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The Path to Becoming a Lawyer Specializing in Administrative Law: Study a Master’s Degree in Public Administration

To be able to confront public entities or represent them, the best way is to study a Master’s Degree in Public Administration.

On many occasions there are legal conflicts with the Colombian State and its institutions. For people interested in solving this type of problem, it is necessary that they know the keys to becoming a lawyer specializing in administrative law.

Before embarking on this professional path, you must understand what this specialty consists of. He administrative law It is a branch of public law that analyzes the organization, behavior and activities carried out by the public administration, as well as its legal relationships with other subjects. This means that it regulates the actions of Colombian public institutions and the relationships that these entities maintain with the population, which implies that it responds to the norms of public and private law.

Main functions of a lawyer in administrative law

Lawyers specializing in administrative law have in-depth knowledge about the legal regime established for the acts, procedures, obligations and responsibilities of state entities and are capable of protecting the rights of people against omissions or unfair actions by public powers.

Some of the cases in which these types of professionals may be involved are:

  • Defense of the rights of citizens.
  • Advice for public tenders.
  • Claims for pending payments by the administration.
  • Contract resolutions.
  • File processing.
  • Urban discipline cases.
  • Tax procedures.
  • Patrimonial liability cases.
  • Appeals against sanctioning procedures.
  • Negligences.
  • Petition rights.
  • Guardianships.
  • Prejudicial and judicial conciliations.
  • Subsidy processing.


What to study to become a lawyer specializing in administrative law in Colombia?

To practice this profession, the first step is to have studied an Undergraduate Degree in Law. Subsequently, you must access complementary training, so it is recommended:

1. Acquire advanced knowledge about general and Colombian administrative law

This legal branch is nourished by different sources, which must be known in depth:

  • The Political Constitution of the Republic of Colombiawhich includes the essential principles that should govern the actions of the administration and public servants.
  • Decrees, resolutions and orders issued by the President of the Republic. As head of State, head of Government and supreme administrative authority, he has regulatory power and is capable of issuing decrees, resolutions and orders necessary for the complete execution of the laws.
  • The current legislationpaying special attention to organic and statutory laws.
  • Administrative jurisprudence. Includes all rulings issued by contentious-administrative judges and courts
  • Administrative legal doctrine. This is in constant innovation, derived from the needs that appear in society and by society.
  • Administrative acts. Demonstrations coming from any public administration.
  • International deals. As in any other discipline of law, they cannot be left aside, since they are adopted by the country and their compliance becomes mandatory.
  • Custom.

2. Consult updated publications on administrative law

Digital or printed magazines and blogs on public administrative law are a source of doctrinal articles and rulings on the subject that will help master the interpretation of this type of law.

3. Review administrative law manuals

Whether acquired or consulted directly in law libraries, they will have extensive educational value for lawyers so that they acquire an administrative mind.

4. Consult with specialists in the field

Talking to public administrative law professionals and discussing cases of interest will always be interesting when it comes to understanding how this discipline works. Future colleagues will constitute an important source of knowledge and professional tips, which can be applied in the future.

5. Constant training

The laws that govern public administrations are constantly changing. To practice as an administrative law lawyer, it is essential to stay alert to these modifications and prepare at all times.

6. Study a Master’s Degree in Public Administration

Finally, in addition to complying with all the previous points, it is advisable to complete a Master’s Degree in Public Management, such as the one offered by UNIR Colombia. This provides its students with advanced knowledge about the structure, operation and processes that take place in the public sector.

This complementary training is very valuable if you want to practice as a lawyer specializing in administrative law, whether in defense of individuals or public entities. In addition, it allows its students to establish a network of professional contacts that may be useful in the future.

2023-10-30 11:12:03
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