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The PATH: A Convenient Transport Option in New York and New Jersey

Info to remember

When planning your stay in New York, several criteria are taken into account when choosing accommodation: price, location and proximity to public transport.

So most of us opt for accommodation in Manhattan, Brooklyn or Queens because they are connected by the New York subway (MTA).

But did you know that the PATH connects New Jersey and Manhattan in less than a few minutes?

Knowing that even some subway stations in Brooklyn require a change of subway to reach Manhattan in 45 minutes, this is not negligible!

What is the PATH?

The Port Authority Trans-Hudson Corporation (PATH) is a transport network that connects the city of New York City (from Midtown and Lower Manhattan) to the State of New Jersey (Jersey City, Hoboken, Newark…). Unlike the famous New York subway, which has a huge network, the PATH has only 13 stations and is managed by the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ).
Built in 1907 as the Hudson & Manhattan Railroad (H&M), it got its final name (PATH) in 1962 after being taken over by the Port Authority Trans-Hudson Corporation following the bankruptcy of the H&M Railroad in 1950.

How to travel between Manhattan and New Jersey?

There are two transport systems: one connects the Word Trade Center in Newark and Hoboken in New Jersey. The second connects Manhattan’s 33rd St station to Hoboken and Journal Square (NJ), all in less than 30 minutes.

Travel Time Newark Penn Station WTC 25 min Hoboken WTC 10 min Hoboken 33rd St 14 min Journal Square (via Hoboken) 33rd St 27 min

How much does a trip cost?

A single ride will cost you $2.75. If your hotel is located in New Jersey, be aware that there are prepaid cards on which you can load the sum of your choice. This will save you from having to take individual tickets.
You will have the choice between several cards:

Prix de la carte
Prix unitaire par trajet

1-Trip Smartlink / PATH singleride ticket / Pay-per-ride MetroCard

PATH 2-Trip MetroCard

10 Trip Smartlink

20 Trip Smartlink

40 Trip Smartlink

Senior Smartlink Card

Smartlink Unlimied 1 Day Pass

Smartlink Unlimited 7 Day Pass

Smartlink Unlimited 30 Day Pass

To note that Smartlinks cards are available from distributors at the entrance to PATH stations except for those located at Christopher St, 9th and 23th.
Just like the MetroCard unlimited, the Smartlink Unlimited card cannot be used by more than one person. You will have to wait 18 minutes between each pass (like the MetroCard).

How does the PATH work?

The PATH operates 24/7. During peak hours at the beginning and end of the day from Monday to Friday, trains run approximately every 5 minutes. Outside these hours, trains run every 10-15 minutes.

How to buy your transport card?

There are 4 types of distributors:

Distributor of PATH pay per ride card, one MetroCard pay per ride and one smartlink card: payment by credit card and cash Distributor of PATH pay per ride card, one MetroCard pay per ride and one smartlink card: credit card only 2-trip MetroCard distributor: cash only Smartlink card distributor: cash only

Here an example of distributors 1 (right) and 2 (left)

Note that the PANYNJ would have plans to set up the same payment system as OMNY, i.e. allow you to pay for your ticket at the entrance to the stations with an OMNY card, a CB or a smartphone with contactless .

The procedure for buying a ticket is the same as for the MetroCard.

Does the MetroCard work for the PATH?

Be aware that if you are using a Reloadable MetroCard (i.e. Pay-Per-Ride Card)you can alsouse to take the PATH.

If you use a MetroCard 7 days unlimitedyou can also add extra money on your card (“add-value” option). Thus, you will have an Unlimited card combined with a Pay-per-ride which will allow you to use the PATH. This will save you from buying a second card unnecessarily.

On the other hand, the system OMNY not working does not allow it (yet).

But, don’t worry, you will find PATH or New York City Transit distributors in each of the stations mentioned above.

The PATH Card can also be used on the New York City subway system. If you take the PATH and then change to the New York City Subway, it will count as two different trips. You will then have to swipe your card when you leave the PATH and then swipe it again when changing to the metro. Same for the reverse route.

Where are the different PATH stations located?

On the map below, you will find the different stations that will allow you to use the PATH.

PATH line map

Below are the different PATH lines and the stops that are serviced. During off-peak periods, there are fewer trains running but all stations remain served.

Weekdays: Monday to Friday from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m.:

Weeknights: Monday to Friday from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m.:

Weekends & Holidays: From Saturday to Sunday and during holidays, public holidays:

Be aware that there is an application for the PATH but it is only available for the USA.

2023-06-02 07:00:00
#PATH #train #connects #York #Jersey #York #Travel #Tips #Alex #tips

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