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The Passionate Life of Peter Aukthun-Görmer: From Athletics Coach to Football Coach

Schwanau Whether on the field or in private – Peter Aukthun-Görmer can’t live without sport. The 48-year-old is not only the coach of the Offenburg Miners, but also the athletics coach of the first women’s team at SC Sand.
Sport has always been important to me,” he says. He was born and grew up near Dresden. As a teenager he played football before discovering athletics. There he felt at home on the middle distances – i.e. from 800 to 1,500 meters. But it didn’t stop there: Aukthun-Görmer also completed ultra marathons for quite a while. “It came on a whim,” he says.

400 kilometers and two Alpine passes

At that time he was still living in Stuttgart and was planning a vacation in Meran with friends. He spontaneously said about the chosen destination: “You can walk there, it’s that close.” The friends took him at his word. While the rest of the group traveled by car on vacation, Peter Aukthun-Görmer set off at a run. “There were five stages of 80 kilometers each and two Alpine passes,” he remembers. “I ran from morning to night for five days. After that, you’re exhausted and everything hurts.” The passion for the very long distance remained, so he also competed in the Desert Cup in Jordan.
He has been active in American football since 1999. “Athletics is an individual sport, I was missing the team feeling,” he states. He played for the Silver Arrows from Stuttgart. At that time, football was still a fringe sport in Germany. “Only the Superbowl was broadcast on German television,” said Aukthun-Görmer. There was already a football league in the Federal Republic.
“For me at that time, sport was still a hobby and ran alongside my normal job,” says Aukthun-Görmer. After school he trained as an industrial foreman. Through a friend he came to VfB Stuttgart for two years. “A friend was a physiotherapist and I worked as an athletic trainer for the young people up to the U-19 team.” This means that he completed strength and conditioning training with the young footballers. It was the time of great talent among the Swabians. “Back then, Mario Gomez was still playing in the U-19,” he remembers, and Felix Magath was also the coach.

Football established in Ortenau

Love brought him to Ortenau. “My wife comes from Schwanau,” says Peter Aukthun-Görmer. Since he didn’t want to miss out on his favorite sport in his new home, he founded a football team in 2007 – the Lahr Miners. “The players came from a wide variety of sports,” remembers Aukthun-Görmer. Everything went well for two years, then some colleagues dropped out. “Football is a lot harder than it looks on TV,” says the coach and player.
After a short break, he started the Miners for the second time in 2012, and in 2015 he moved to Offenburg. “Every NFL team moves sometimes,” he says with a wink. The environment is better in the regional center. “We want a permanent home,” dreams Peter Aukthun-Görmer. Because at the moment we are training and playing in different locations. That’s why the team is successful. After the 2023 championship, the try-outs start on October 14th at Schaible Stadium. “Football is a highly tactical game, it’s about the team, but also individual performance,” is how he sums up his enthusiasm for the sport.


Posted by: Matthias Kerber

from Offenburg

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2023-10-06 21:33:14
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