Home » today » News » “The party of shame” in Linares: more than 700 people evicted for failing to comply with anti-COVID measures | Radio Linares

“The party of shame” in Linares: more than 700 people evicted for failing to comply with anti-COVID measures | Radio Linares

The Police evicted this Saturday more than 700 people in a leisure place in the Jerez de Linares street. The reasons, the breach of the anticovid-19 measures that the authorities mark. Specifically, 733 customers who were in this place “in a few hours when the place had to be closed” according to the press department of the National Police of Jaén. Agents of this body, after the calls of numerous neighbors alerting of the facts, had to intervene helped by members of the Local Policebefore the agglomeration of people“which, according to these forces, did not comply with health regulations”not wearing masks properly or not maintaining social distance“in many of the cases.

These police officers then began the procedures for a sanction proposal “for a very serious offense“to the manager of the leisure complex, as well as administrative sanctions to several of the clients, mostly teenagers. The news has had different reactions, such as that of the group”Hoteliers of Linares“, from where this episode is rejected that”seriously stains a sector that, 99 percent of the time, is doing well“.

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These professionals of the union, united before the effects of the pandemic on their businesses, affirm to feel “shame“for this eviction, since they demand that”the full weight of the law falls to the 733 fools and the businessmen who have promoted this party“They say in an official statement. This well-known hotel complex, mainly dedicated to the celebration of ceremonies and weddings, was already evicted and sanctioned last February for similar circumstances.


The Linarense consistory has expressed its outrage at the events that happened this Saturday in an establishment in the city where more than 700 people who did not comply with the pertinent sanitary measures were evicted.

The councilor for Local Police, Civil Protection and Youth, Mayte lopez, has regretted that Linares is in the news for these reprehensible events, that “They do not represent the individual and collective responsibility of the Linar society and especially of its young people“. López has assured that the Local Police will raise the pertinent sanction proposals to the competent administrations, for the flagrant breach of prevention and containment measures against COVID-19.

In the same sense, Mayte López has stressed that these facts cannot cloud the “civic and responsible behavior“of the majority of the hoteliers and young people of Linar, who have complied with the obligations indicated by the health authorities to stop the spread of the virus.

From the Linares City Council The importance of continuing to comply with current regulations is once again emphasized in order to continue curbing the incidence of the pandemic in the city. The Local Police, in collaboration with other bodies and security forces, will continue to ensure compliance with the measures, “pursuing and sanctioning when necessary“.

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