Home » today » World » The party in the Netherlands has won the election of Prime Minister Mark Rite / Article / LSM.lv

The party in the Netherlands has won the election of Prime Minister Mark Rite / Article / LSM.lv

In the three-day elections in the Netherlands, the center-right People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD), represented by Prime Minister Mark Rites, won the largest number of seats in parliament, according to a poll on Wednesday night.

A poll commissioned by the broadcaster NOS, Ipsos, suggests that the SES may have won 35 of the 150 seats in parliament.

According to the poll, the left-wing Liberal Democrats 66 (D66), which is part of Rite’s current coalition, are in second place, while the Freedom Party (PVV), led by right-wing populist Gert Wilders, is in third place.

Rite has been in power in the Netherlands for more than a decade and has led the last three ruling coalitions.

If Ritem also succeeds in forming a new government, he could become the longest-running prime minister in Dutch history.


The Netherlands is one of the first EU countries to choose to host a Covid-19 pandemic parliamentary elections. Given the time constraints of the Covid-19 pandemic, the vote took place over three days. The need for them arose only at the beginning of this year, after the so-called child benefit scandal. At the time, it was revealed that between 2013 and 2019, the Dutch Revenue Service had falsely accused some 26,000 families of fraudulently claiming benefits, repaying thousands of euros and plunging many into debt. The scandal cost taxpayers around € 500 million and led to the resignation of Social Affairs Minister Lodevijk Asker and the long-running coalition. the fall of the government.

Victory is projected to the People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy, led by Prime Minister Mark Rite, but the current coalition is unlikely to continue. High support for the election is predicted for the Eurosceptic Freedom Party, raising questions about the future of the Netherlands in the European Union (EU).

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