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The paris region threatened by a new de-industrialisation

Is this the beginning of a new wave ? The question torments the trade unionists, elected officials, business leaders, Ile-de-France since Renault has confirmed, on the 29th of may, his intention to close its plant in Choisy-le-Roi (Val-de-Marne), and to stop the assembly of cars on the historic site of Flins (Yvelines), where are still 4 000 people.

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After decades of decline, the paris region had finally stopped for the past two years the fall in industrial employment. However, the current economic crisis can only control this improvement. Worse, beyond a hole in the air one time, it could herald a new de-industrialisation of the first economic region of france. Exactly the reverse of the relocation of production advocated by many since the outbreak of Covid-19.

“A situation of dependence “

“Yes, the risk is there, the businesses using the alibi of the” health crisis “, alarmed by Didier Guillaume, the communist mayor of Choisy-le-Roi. “With announcements like those of Renault, we can see a progressive de-industrialisation of the employment basin “, is also concerned about John Francis Mbaye, the deputy of The Republic in march) of the Val-de-Marne.

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At the same time as the plan economy of Renault, another folder has fanned the fears, that of Sanofi. The pharmaceutical group, had announced, in July 2019, its willingness to abandon its research centre of Alfortville (Val-de-Marne). In recent weeks, several elected officials have attempted to question the decision, drawing the lessons of the health crisis. The multiplication of this type of measures “puts France in a position of dependence vis-à-vis other countries “, has called the senator a communist, Val-de-Marne Laurence Cohen.

In the eyes of policy makers, the emergency consists, on the contrary to “rearm” the value chain for health, in opening sites such as the factory of surgical face masks mounted in a few weeks by a chinese businessman at the Blanc-Mesnil (Seine-Saint-Denis). A speech without effect. Sanofi confirmed : by the end of the year, Alfortville has closed its doors.

Other subject of enquiry, aeronautics, one of the main industries of the region Ile-de-France. Hit hard by the sudden stop of air traffic, the sector should receive massive help from the State. Will this be enough to prevent layoffs and restructuring ?

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Overall, “the health crisis is likely to increase losses of jobs “ in the Ile-de-France, “while the sector was just entered in a phase that is more favourable from mid-2018 “, anticipate the experts of the chamber of commerce and industry.

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