There is always a lot of anticipation before a new episode of Il Paradiso delle Signore. Here are the previews of what will be seen on Friday 30 December.
The afternoon of Rai 1 is not the same without the captivating plots of Ladies Paradise. The Italian soap that has recently been put on “forced rest” to give space to Football World Cup in Qatar just concluded with the victory of Argentina, is back to the delight of all its viewers last December 12th and luckily he won’t be going on vacation for the Christmas holidays.

Previews of Il Paradiso delle Signore
They will be days of celebration without giving up as happened every year, a Ladies Paradise. The protagonists of the soap, increasingly involved in the plots that develop around the events of the homonymous department store, they won’t leave their viewers alone now that they have the tree decorated.
And here they already appear on the web the first spoilers of the next episodesthose concerning the end of the year. Just the bet on Friday 30 December promises to bring important news, especially for Gemma Zanatta. As read on explosions Veronica’s daughter will meet Carlos Garciaan old acquaintance of his. Meanwhile the Venus will consolidate the friendship with Roberto Landi.
At the same time Ferdinand Torrebrunawill try to find out the secret of Florence Gramini, convinced that he is hiding something, while Adelaide and Marcello they will celebrate the deal they concluded at the expense of Umberto. But let’s go in order, because Gemma will be the protagonist of the next few days.
Gemma meets Carlos Garcia
After the breakup of her love story with Marco Di Sant’Erasmo, Gemma has decided not to open her heart to anyonebut things could change. As the advances of December 30th tell us, the horsewoman has an unexpected encounter, but which she will take back in time.
The advances of the episode of Il Paradiso delle Signore on 30 December reveal that she is a horsewoman he will meet an old acquaintance of his. It’s about carlos garcia, but it is not clear whether it is an old love of his, a friend or a boy with whom he competed when he lived in Padua.

As if that weren’t enough, he’ll think about turning his life upside down Veronicawhich will consolidate his friendship with Roberto, In the previous episodes he was seen as the right arm of Victor Conti took the girl to heart, enough to cover her in her escape from the convent. In the next episodes, the horsewoman will stay close to Landi, because she will keep the relationship between Roberto and Mario Oradei.
The celebrations of Adelaide and Marcello
Meanwhile Irene will confide in the Venuses, admitting that he put a stop to Alfredo’s pressing courtship. This while Ferdinando Torrebruna will be intent on finding out what Fiorenza is hiding from him. In fact, in the previous days Mrs. Gramini made a joke about Flavia that did not go unnoticed by the owner. For this reason she will want to clarify, to find out what happened to Ludovica’s mother.

Finally in the episode of Il Paradiso delle Signore on December 30, Adelaide and Marcello will celebratebecause they will be able to conclude a deal, which however will not benefit Umberto. Meanwhile Tancredi is ready to win back Matilde, while Vittorio will be afraid that Di Sant’Erasmo will succeed in his intention.