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“The pandemic made me understand the value of doctors” – Corriere.it

from Valentina Santarpia

The student comes from the Tosi scientific high school in Busto Arsizio. «I have already prepared myself from the first lock down. Dazzled by the series The good doctor, I will go to the San Raffaele»

There are those who have experienced it as a period of great difficulty and demoralization, the lock down. And then there are those who have been able to transform that forced stop into a great opportunity. This is what Lorenzo Monti did, 19 years old on 7 September, graduated from the Arturo Tosi scientific high school in Busto Arsizio, who turned out to be the first medical student at the national level by score on the entrance test, 82.4. A record, the one obtained at the University of Insubria in Varese, which he will not even take advantage of: in the end he decided to enroll at the San Raffaele faculty in Milan (private) and therefore will give his place to the next student in the ranking.

Lorenzo, everyone wants to know: how did you prepare for the test?

“I started during the first lock down, in the spring of 2020, and I mainly prepared myself, I didn’t take courses, but I used many books, both those from high school and others bought on the internet, for the preparation of the entrance tests . The lock down allowed me to focus, I turned something negative into positive, and then I moved on. During the fifth year, thanks to the maturity, I slowed down a bit: but I already had a year of preparation behind me, and when I resumed this summer it was not difficult ».

When did you conceive the idea of ​​becoming a doctor?

«The idea came to me in the third grade: yet I never knew what to do, when I entered high school I was confused. Then I noticed that I would have liked to help others, work together with other people, try to support them in difficulties. I am selfless, I feel good when I can help myself. And so I thought that maybe medicine was for me: but I was not inspired by any TV series, no doctor in the family. Then starting to study, especially the more medical part, I noticed how I liked to investigate the human body. And then yes, I admit it: I started watching The good doctor».

But how did you manage to get the maximum score at the national level?

“I answered all the questions: among the uncertain answers, I was able to discard the wrong answers, choosing between two alternatives. There was also a bit of luck, on: but surely having dedicated a lot of time to the preparation, asking many questions, it is clear that I arrived there with the awareness of giving my best, in the end I calmly answered the questions . But honestly I didn’t expect it, I certainly didn’t imagine obtaining this result, it was a nice surprise ».

At the offending question, the one invalidated by the minister Mass, did you answer?

“Yes, I read it on the fly, I didn’t think there were any holes, I replied.”

What do you think of the controversy?

«I believe that the tests should be prepared better, with more attention. If there really are these inconsistencies, and thousands of people notice them, it is the test that is poorly formulated, and since entering a faculty as a medicine is something delicate, it is important to minimize incorrect formulations ».

And who will it appeal to?
“I have never frowned upon anyone who tries to get results through controversy, appeals, lawsuits: if one wants to achieve something and have a result, he must prepare himself, he must sweat. Words are useless, facts count, clinging to certain justifications is wrong: if one has scored a certain score, it is useless to change the cards on the table ».

Where will you study?

«I enrolled at the Vita Salute San Raffaele University, in fact I will abandon my place in the ranking at national level. In my plans the San Raffaele, which is private, was plan A. But I wanted plan B: and so I tried the national test, and when I drew up the order for the national test I had put state Milan in first place, and Varese as a second choice, but in the end I evaluated and decided to give up the place. It is nice to think that others may also have the opportunity to enter, there are very competent and good people who will know how to carry out the profession. And I happily stay in Olgiate Olone, where I live with my and my sister ».

Basically, did you want to take the thrill of victory?

“Actually, I wanted to be able to evaluate what to do. But I admit, it’s an incredible satisfaction, especially because when I calculated the score, remembering the answers, I was sure I got around 78/79. Then when the official news came out that the first place had been registered at Insubria, I said to myself that maybe it wasn’t me. But when I got the confirmation I could not believe it, and with me my parents: my mom is an accountant and my dad works in a bank, none of them work with medicine. Even my girlfriend, who came to Varese, is very proud of me. My friends are also very happy, my sister too, who says she will never be able to achieve my results ».

Have you already thought about the specialization that you might like?

“I think something related to cardiac surgery, or neurosurgery: these are very fascinating areas, but it is clear that there is still plenty of time to decide, the important thing is to be a good doctor who dedicates passion to his work”.


«No, I like it as a perspective, I am passionate about medical art, and the period of the pandemic has given me awareness of the importance of the doctor: I know that I will have to make many sacrifices, it will be a very demanding path, of studies and work. But if I think of myself ten years from now, satisfied after a successful operation, I think I see myself as a doctor, happy for the amount of people I could help ».


September 29, 2021 (change September 29, 2021 | 19:10)

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