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The pandemic is decimating the inhabitants of the Amazon. The president is kicking out Doctors Without Borders

Coronavirus is decimating the indigenous peoples of the Amazon. Meanwhile, Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro ordered the medical teams of the Doctors Without Borders (MSF) organization that helped the people of the region to be expelled from there.

No reasons are given as to why MSF has been banned in areas where patients are almost completely deprived of access to medical facilities.

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Brazil's president has been accused of

Counting Brazil’s 212 million inhabitants, second, after the US, country in the world most affected by Covid-19seems almost helpless in the face of the coronavirus attack on much of its territory – Amazon.

The threat is enormous: the inhabitants of the Amazonian virgin forests living in isolation from the outside world have much lower immunity to viruses brought from other parts of the country by teams of legal and illegal seekers of valuable minerals in which these areas abound.

The Association of the Indigenous Peoples of Brazil (APIB), which represents the local population, has warned of the disastrous consequences of another controversial Bolsonaro decision on the Amazon by announcing the expulsion of the MFS mission.

At the end of last month he refused to provide government funding to fight Covid-19 in the region, explaining the “lack of funds” in the state coffers. He did so by vetoing, by decree, a bill from the Brazilian Congress that obliged the government to organize health care for the population of this part of the country as “least immune to coronavirus infection.”

Meanwhile – we read in the APIB statement – the virus has already attacked half of the Amazon’s indigenous communitiesthat is, at least 150 of the three hundred indigenous tribes. Deaths caused by the pandemic among the Amazon Indians increased by 580% in just one month.

According to the organization’s data, quoted by the Brazilian news portal Jornal do Brasil, out of 850 thousand the indigenous peoples of the Amazon contracted the coronvirus by mid-week, 26,443 people, and at least 623 have died. The dramatic situation prevails especially in seven Indian villages in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul inhabited by five thousand people. Doctors Without Borders were to help them in the first place.

Last week, Congress, in which opposition parties have the upper hand, resumed the battle these days over medical aid for the indigenous people of the Amazon.

How can a politician in public office refuse humanitarian aid in a pandemic situation? – representatives of the Amazon peoples asked Bolsonaro with this question. The leaders of the Brazilian opposition are asking the same question.

Directly banning MSF in the Amazon was announced by Colonel Robson Santos de Silva, director of the Secretariat for Indigenous Peoples in the recently militarized ministry of health by Bolsonaro, headed by General Eduardo Pazuello – a specialist in military logistics.

In the last 24 hours all over Brazil 30,355 new cases of coronavirus infection and 1,054 more deaths were registered said the Brazilian health ministry on Friday evening local time.

Research conducted by London’s Imperial College showed that this week, for the first time since April, the so-called The virus transmission rate has dropped to below 1 in Brazil, meaning each infected person infects less than 1 person. This may indicate that the pandemic in this country is weakening.

The total number of cases of infection since the beginning of the pandemic rose to over 3.5 million on Friday, and deaths to over 113,000.

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