the.presenter: good evening.thanks for joining us.listen to this, according to figures frommunicipal council 2,000,000 ofNew Yorker live instarvation conditions duringthe a problem that came toaffect the Hispanic community.we have lack of food, ofeverything.has been a help formany that we do not have howsurvive.reporter: is the thanksof these bronx residents.besides the organizationscharitable churches,among other organizationshave become the fucking forprovide help.this is what we have seenduring the pandemic. we havereceived help and food.reporter: the president of thecity council asked themayor another 25,000,000 forhelp New Yorkers.this administration hasto recognize that ourcommunities are the wingsimpacted by this pandemic.reporter: thehumanitarian aid programthe governor is of the dining roomscommunity serves 10,000families for weeks duringpandemic.reporter: this representativecaolic charity says tounivisón 41 news that thismoment of the pandemic has beenvery complicated.They gave us recourse, butthat resource is over.we are asking us