Home » today » News » The pandemic delays (once again) the construction of the Santa Cruz de Mudela nursing home | BE Ciudad Real

The pandemic delays (once again) the construction of the Santa Cruz de Mudela nursing home | BE Ciudad Real

The construction of the residence for the elderly Santa Cruz de Mudela (Real city) has suffered a new delay, at least in the signing of the agreement, as the mayor of the town has qualified, Gema Garcia. All this, as a result of the evolution of the pandemic in this province, as García herself advanced in the last plenary session. Nevertheless, if the deadlines are met, it must open its doors before next June.

Nevertheless, Garcia has advanced that the businessman who will undertake this work already owns the building of the old schools of the Doña Rosario Laguna foundation. A building where that residence for the elderly will be installed, which will have up to 80 places: 60 for residence and 20 for day care.

Likewise, this residence for the elderly, initially, was to be owned by the municipality, but this option was rejected. After that, the path of private ownership was explored, but with places subsidized with public resources, as occurs in many other residences in the region. Specifically, it is expected that half of its places will be subsidized.

In fact, The opening of this residence for the elderly, at first, was foreseen for the summer of last 2020. A term that was delayed to the first semester of 2021 and, now, it is unknown when its start-up due to the pandemic could be a reality.

Finally, the entrepreneur who will undertake this infrastructure, which will have subsidized public places, already has the preliminary draft of the adaptation works of this building. However, it will not be a reality until the pandemic tends to subside in the province of Ciudad Real.

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