Home » today » News » The Palau de la Música de València gives away the opening concert of the auditorium on YouTube for its 33rd anniversary | Radio Valencia

The Palau de la Música de València gives away the opening concert of the auditorium on YouTube for its 33rd anniversary | Radio Valencia

He Palau de la Música de València has met this saturday 33 years, and as a celebration, has made available to citizens in their Youtube channel the first historical recording made by the Palau on U-Matic support, complemented by another referring to the retransmission made by RTVE of the Inaugural concert of the Orquesta de València that took place on April 25, 1987 in the Iturbi Room of the auditorium.

The president of the Palau de la Música, Gloria Tello, has stated that they are in “an important remodeling process“which will place them as” a model building for energy efficiency and a benchmark at the height of the 21st century “.

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The opening concert was starred by the Valencian symphonic formation. In this sense, the director of the Palau, Vicent Ros, has indicated that the launch of the Palau “was a stable and essential headquarters for the Orquesta de València”, and allowed a “qualitative leap“full of versatility to deal with” all the diverse and open programming “they are programming.

Under the direction of the teacher Manuel Galduf, that day a program formed in its first half by the «Burlesque March» by Manuel Palau and the famous “Aranjuez’s concert” by Joaquín Rodrigo, played by the soloist Narciso Yepes. And in the second part, the opera in concert version “The short life” by Manuel de Falla, with a vocal cast made up of the Spanish National Choir, Enriqueta Tarrés (Health), Evelio Estévez (Paco), Mabel Perelstein (Grandmother), Beatriz Melero (Carmela), Jesús Sanz Remiro (Uncle Salvador) and Ramón Contreras (Manuel). Lucero Tena (castanets), singer Gabriel Montero and guitarist Carmelo Martínez, completed the artistic cast.

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