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The Palace of IKN eats IDR 2 trillion, Ridwan Kamil thinks it doesn’t make sense

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Designer of the State Palace in the State Capital (IKN) Nusantara, I Nyoman Nuarta unveil the complex development budget National Palace around Rp. 2 trillion.

Nyoman said the numbers were just rough calculations. He could not confirm the exact budget because the process is still ongoing.

“If the thoughts are rough, the thoughts are rough, at least Rp. 2 trillion, maybe,” said Nyoman in an interview on the Youtube channel Akbar Faizal Uncensored, Thursday (20/1).

Nyoman said the exact budget for the construction of the palace at IKN will only be known after it is available detail engineering design (DED). He couldn’t say for sure when it would be finished.

However, he began to estimate the funds needed to be around Rp. 2 trillion. That figure he got from calculating the average cost of building a five-star hotel.

“We’ll see people building hotels now, okay? A five-star hotel with this area is more or less the same,” said Nyoman.

The cost of building the State Palace at IKN drew criticism from the architect who is also the Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil. He considered the price of building a new palace too expensive.

“Just imagine for the State Palace. In my opinion, it doesn’t make sense to spend IDR 2 trillion for just one building function. In my opinion, it’s a bit too much,” said Ridwan Kamil at a webinar on the Youtube channel of the National Indonesian Architects Association, Wednesday (9/9). /2).

The State Palace will be built in the new nation’s capital, IKN Nusantara. The ring one complex will be built on 100 hectares of land.

Artist I Nyoman Nuarta was appointed as the designer of the complex. He has presented the basic design of the IKN Nusantara State Palace and received President Jokowi’s approval.

(dhf / ain)

[Gambas:Video CNN]

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