Illness, exile and betrayal, the most painful moments in Claudio Lippi’s life: “a wound that never heals”
Claudio Lippi was a great television personality who achieved a lot of personal satisfaction, but he also had to overcome many obstacles. His life was not easy at all and she spoke about it during an interview with Republic.
Claudio opened his heart remembering the stages of his brilliant professional career and told about the events that literally took place undermined his serenity. From the loss of money to the terrible illness due to which he took a huge risk.
He was born in 1945 and in the 1960s he made his debut in the world of entertainment as singer. He recorded around 45 laps and among the most famous we remember “For everyone there is someone” e “Yes Mary“. But her future is there television and begins to appear in some broadcasts of Mike Bongiorno e Pippo Baudo.
In 1980 he hosted the first evening quiz “Half past seven“. In a short time, he became one of the main faces of Italian television and presented “Lunch is served”, “Beauties in the bathroom” and “Casa cosa”. From 2012 to 2015 he was part of the cast of “Such and Which show” as a juror.
Claudio Lippi, the illness that exiled him
Claudio Lippi is considered one of the major figures on Italian television who, in recent years, has disappeared from the public scene. Throughout his life he had to face many challengesfirst of all the illness which struck him way back in 1983 and forced him to undergo a delicate surgical operation. The famous host had a heart attack and had to undergo ben’s surgery 4 bypass cardiaci.
A condition that not only led Lippi to risk his life, but also forced him to exile. Claudio had to abandon his television career following a HIGHLANDS occurred in 2015, the year in which he should have presented “the coming year“. The host admitted: “I would like someone to explain to me why I didn’t work anymore. But I’m not going to ruin my life, stress is bad, I have four bypasses and we need to safeguard our health. Sensitive people take it more. You have to learn to let things slide a little.”
Claudio Lippi, the unexpected betrayal – Instagram credit “giuseppeannunziataph” –
Claudio Lippi, the betrayal suffered: “A holiday that never heals”
Over the course of his artistic career, Claudio Lippi has had a lot of satisfaction and can certainly be proud of the path he has led. Despite his great success, he could not avoid the dark moments not disappointments which he received above all from people he believed to be faithful. From success and economic well-being, in an instant the drama bigger for Claudio.
In the interview given to RepublicLippi says: “I found myself starting from scratchI’ve lost everything per fault of an agent who made bad investments. My earnings were gone. I found myself reliving what I had experienced as a boy, when from one day to the next we found ourselves penniless. The betrayal of a friend is a wound that never heals”.
2023-12-16 15:00:18
#Claudio #Lippi #heart #attack #exile #betrayal #wound #heals