They glare at each other. They argue. They boycott. From Palazzo Madama to Montecitorio, the script is the same: the parties of majority they battle on reforms. With a slim compromise reached in secret: theAutonomy will see the light, but only after the European Championships. A qualified source from the League confirmed this in the evening: «We will have a general discussion, perhaps we will approve some articles. Yes, the final vote will probably slip.” The near future of the law that runs a parallel race, that on the premiership, is yet to be established. All in spite of the proclamations.
The last front, only in chronological order, is the Constitutional Affairs commission of the Chamber. Where the outcome, or rather the lack of outcome, of the meeting between the group leaders is reflected: Lega e FdI they reject the opposition’s request not to “squeeze” the timing of Autonomy. The president of the commission, Nazario Pagano, exponent of one Forza Italia who with difficulty contains the revolt against the law which comes mainly from the South, meets the number one of the Chamber, the Northern League member Lorenzo Fontana. He learns that there is no room for agreement: he moves forward in forced stages towards April 29, the day on which the arrival of differentiated autonomy in the classroom was scheduled. FI puts a good face on bad luck but in reality it has already achieved one objective. Which?
FI believes in overtaking and launches the challenge to the League on Autonomy and amnesty
by Tommaso Ciriaco
Let’s take a step back. After the criticisms of the blue governor of Calabria Roberto Occhiuto (which go hand in hand with those of Renato Schifani), Matteo Salvini got furious and invited Giorgia Meloni to intervene: «Everything is going up here». The prime minister assured him that there will be no slowdowns on autonomy but the agreement is to carry out before European only the general discussion of the law. Perhaps some articles will be approved. The yes vote will be discussed from June onwards. A secret pact, in fact, already signed. Even if some in the League wonder how an electoral campaign can be done by waving not a done deal but only a possible short-term approval of the law. But the weight of Antonio Tajani has grown and the leader of FI has managed to pass with Melons questa exit strategy.
Bi-presidentialism, instructions for use
by Michele Ainis
Meanwhile, at least in the commission, we move forward with the incessant pace of the marathon: interventions limited to ten minutes but the opposition has multiplied the number of members registered to speak. The green light for the classroom will be given by this evening. The rapporteur of the law, Paolo Emilio Russo, makes it clear that Forza Italia is against moving forward: “We have always made an effort to ensure that we proceed – he says – without jerks or forcing”. The vice president of the Chamber is more explicit Giorgio Mulé, who a few days ago on Transatlantico explained FI’s position with broad gestures: «Autonomy? Yes, we march. But slowly, slowly… There’s no rush.”
In the Senate, meanwhile, the session of the similar commission, which is examining the premiered dear to Meloni. The Brothers of Italy welcome with satisfaction the rule with which they managed to “lock down” the role of the future prime minister with an amendment that allows him to ask the President of the Republic to dissolve the Chambers in the event of a no-confidence vote. A significant amendment that brings the reform closer to Giorgia Meloni’s wishes: the they will stand together and fall together, or the power of the Prime Minister to drag Parliament to new elections in the event of his farewell. Amendment that would reduce the powers of the Head of State. The Northern League member Paolo Tosato during the session it was clear: «The Quirinale has taken on an excessive and unacceptable protagonism in recent years».
Tosato himself, however, cast a very serious doubt on the rule: with a simple no-confidence vote on a provision, “an accident”, for him the obligation to resign is “incongruous”. Tosato makes it known that his opinion is only “a technical observation”.
But the League, many in the majority suspect, wants to use this gap to weaken the strength of the prime minister and guarantee the survival of the legislature, with the change of hands to another unelected president. In short, it is the accusation, it intends to favor the games of the Palace. Not only that: after a long majority meeting, the FdI senator Marcello Pera withdrew the amendment establishing the position of opposition spokesperson. A rule which raised, in addition to those of the Democratic Party and 5S, the perplexities of the League which was ill-disposed towards a substantial bipolarism which amplifies the figure of the prime minister.
#pact #slows #Autonomy #Green #light #European #Championships
– 2024-05-06 07:26:44