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The owner opposes the compensation value, the house in Ngawen Klaten is in the middle of the Solo-Yogyakarta toll road. Page all

KLATENKOMPAS. com – A two-story house still stands on the site of the road construction project Tol Solo-Yogyakarta in Kahuman village, Ngawen district, Regency ClatenCentral Java, Monday (12/26/2022).

The green-painted house owned by Setyo Subagyo has not been touched by heavy equipment. While the houses around were razed to the ground, affected by the construction.

Klaten Regency National Land Agency (BPN) Land Procurement Branch (Kasi) head Sulistiyono said the house, which is still standing firmly in the middle of the toll road construction, does not want to receive compensation.

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“We coordinated. The executor has no authority. So the executor only determines the results of the valuation,” Sulis confirmed on Monday (12/26/2022).

The homeowner has not received compensation for the land and building because the value is too low. Setyo’s land and buildings cover an area of ​​approximately 500 m2 and are located on the side of the road.

Setyo’s land and buildings are valued at IDR 2.5 million per metre. He was supposed to receive compensation for the losses resulting from the impact of the construction of the toll road of about Rp. 3.4 billion.

“Pak Setyo himself objected because the value was too low for the land value,” Sulis said.

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Sulis admitted giving land and building owners a 14-day opportunity to file objections with the court.

This is because his party does not have the authority to raise the value of land and building prices.

“For 14 days I waited for Mr. Setyo to raise no objection to the court. Nor did he want to sign the approval report. Since it was done immediately, I already wanted to leave him in court,” she said.

According to Sulis, the homeowner has not yet accepted the amount of compensation offered because he demanded that the price be the same as the price of the land across the road, valued at Rs 3 million per metre.

“Even across the street, the valuation is different. Across the street yesterday, the value was IDR 3 million per meter,” he said.

Meanwhile, until today, plots of land have been purchased in Klaten for road construction Solo-Jogja toll road 2,705 courses or 68.29% of the total of 3,961 courses.

Paid plots of land are distributed in 40 villages. The compensation value that was paid for the 2,705 fields is IDR 2,624,383,819,636.

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