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The owner of VIVACOM can change the equipment of Huawei in his networks – News

As a result of US pressure, many European governments have begun to tighten controls on telecommunications equipment suppliers and restrict the use of Chinese products because of unsubstantiated allegations that they could be used for espionage.

A similar move could be made by the owner of VIVACOM United Group, who is considering replacing some or all of Huawei’s components in its companies in the Balkans with alternative products.

In an interview with Reuters, United President Nikos Statopolus said that the gradual and measured transition to something approved by the United States is the right approach and the company is considering it.

However, this replacement takes time and costs money – Statopolus believes that ideally telecoms should receive financial support from governments to be able to switch to new suppliers, because it will cost millions of dollars.

However, despite pressure from the United States, according to market research firm Dell’Oro, the company finished 2020 with a 31% market share of the global telecom equipment market. Commenting on the words of Nikos Statopolus, a Huawei spokesman said in recent years she had worked well with United Group and hoped the collaboration would continue.

Source: Reuters

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