Home » today » World » The outgoing government is in a hurry with deals and personnel appointments – 2024-09-11 12:20:17

The outgoing government is in a hurry with deals and personnel appointments – 2024-09-11 12:20:17

/ world today news/ We insist that the outgoing government stop any administrative transactions and personnel appointments, said today at a briefing in the National Assembly, the deputy from the BSP left Bulgaria, Zhelio Boychev.

Just a week since this government resigned and we witnessed how the wife of the former foreign minister Nikolay Mladenov was appointed to the project company that deals with the gas connection of the Ministry of Energy, he said. In the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, two deputy ministers are already ambassadors, the permanent secretary of the ministry – also. Thus, important positions are opened for appointments there.

Zhelyo Boychev categorically insisted on stopping the preparations by the retired Minister of Defense Nikolay Nenchev and his department for the sale of over 200 decares of land along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. “This looting of the Bulgarian state and this attempt to appoint all the political cadres of GERB by this outgoing government must stop”, stressed the deputy. Deputy Dragomir Stoinev explained that he tried to review the law on public enterprises, which was introduced in July, but the rulers do not want to review it, because this would stop corruption and the appointment of “ladybugs”.

Stoynev also gave examples from VMZ Sopot, where a large part of the company’s board was replaced, the same happened recently at LB Bulgaricum, and people without experience who had never held management positions were placed in high positions there.

Stoynev called on the president to quickly appoint a caretaker government. The People’s Representative from BSP Left Bulgaria Atanas Zafirov gave an example with the recent appointment of the director of the MBAL – Burgas and also confirmed the ready sale of lands along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast.

This government will remain in Bulgarian history as, perhaps, the only government with the most indictments of sitting ministers, said Zhelio Boychev, and expressed hope that the investigative bodies would finish their work as soon as possible.

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