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The Oslo shooting: Two suspects wanted nationally and internationally

IN THE MIDDLE OF OSLO: Two men with connections to a known gang milieu were injured in the shooting incident in the center of the capital on the night of Sunday.

Two suspects are wanted nationally and internationally after the shooting in Oslo on Sunday. The police have so far not been able to question the man, who has already been arrested.


The alarm went off at 00:30 on Sunday night, when the police received a report of a shooting incident in the center of Oslo.

Two men – both known to the police – were seriously, but not life-threatening, injured. The two are in their 30s and 40s and are former leaders in the criminal gang Young Guns, according to VG’s information.

From before, a man in his 20s has been arrested and charged with complicity in attempted murder. The police are now looking for two other people who have also been charged with attempted murder or complicity in attempted murder.

– We therefore repeat the call to the two accused to report themselves to the police, says police inspector in Oslo Grete Lien Metlid in a press release.

Denies criminal guilt

The Oslo police district is investigating the case as attempted murder. The man who has been arrested denies criminal guilt, says his defender Marius Ihlebæk.

– I am not aware that there is any relationship between him and the victims. He pleads not guilty. He is surprised that he was arrested, says Ihlebæk to VG.

The man, who is known to the police from before, has so far refused to allow himself to be questioned. The police will make new attempts to question him during the day.

According to the police, he was arrested not too far from the crime scene. His defender is incomprehensive about this.

– I am not aware that he has been there. What role the police think he has is unclear to me, says Ihlebæk.

– Targeted attack

The shooting took place at a nightclub in Klingenberggata, near the National Theatre. According to the police, the information they had on Sunday indicated that the attack was targeted.

– We will have to come back to more details about what has happened. It is still too early to conclude in terms of background and motive, beyond the fact that there was a conflict prior to the shooting itself, the police write in the press release on Monday.

– The matter has a high priority and we will communicate as soon as there are new developments. The police are now working with great intensity both operationally outside and with investigations at the Police House, it is further stated.

Metlid said on Sunday afternoon that the police have collected some information, such as electronic traces, questioning of witnesses and various types of data, and that the sum will hopefully give a better picture of what has happened.


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