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The Ortega Government invokes “love” and mobilizes its sympathizers in the face of the pandemic | International

Demonstration of Sandinista supporters in Managua against the coronavirus.Carlos Herrera

The government of Nicaragua You will cope with the coronavirus pandemic with “love” and “marching.” That has been the most significant reaction so far from the President’s regime. Daniel Ortega before the epidemic. The vice president and wife of Ortega, Rosario Murillo, called her supporters for a national day of mobilization this Saturday, baptized by herself as Love in times of covid-19. The gigantic march that occurred in Managua contradicts all the indications to stop the virus that spreads throughout Central America.

While other countries declare quarantines and isolate their citizens, the Ortega-Murillo regime ordered the agglomeration of thousands of sympathizers and public employees, who were forced to march. It was a tidal wave of people uniformed in red and black, the Sandinista colors, that were crowded on Avenida Bolívar, one of the widest in the country. The march was extended with notable absences: Murillo, who on Friday had asked the Nicaraguans to “calm” and Ortega’s, who participated in a virtual conference with their Central American counterparts to contain the spread of the epidemic.

Murillo had called to march this Friday. “We are going to walk with the force of faith and hope throughout the country, in permanent prayer and solidarity with all the peoples, families and brothers in the world affected by the coronavirus,” said the also first lady.

In Nicaragua, there are still no Covid-19 infections. The Sandinista government “has not declared, nor will it declare” quarantine because, according to the authorities, “thank God no case has been registered.” The coronavirus arrived in Central America on March 6, when Costa Rica declared the first contagion. Since then, Panama, Honduras and Guatemala have also reported positive cases. So far there are 53 affected people on the isthmus. Government by Nayib Bukele in El Salvador, he declared quarantine.

Murillo’s call to leave alarmed epidemiologists and public health experts in Nicaragua. It is an unnecessary risk, they agreed. In addition, they vehemently criticized the fact that there were workers from the health sector among the crowd. “It is an irresponsibility to call to march. It is important not to attend large meetings where broadcasting can be more active. The main fear is that, although this disease has high transmissibility and low mortality, its high contagion capacity exceeds the installed capacity of the health units, ”said epidemiologist Milton Valdez, who in the 1980s was vice minister of health.

The warnings did not intimidate the Sandinista sympathizers, who organized a huge party on Avenida Bolivar. They carried banners proclaiming “victory over the coranavirus” and chanted President Ortega y Murillo alive. The speakers said that the Government has 19 hospitals to deal with possible infections.

“The propaganda says 19 hospitals, but they do not tell you how many respirators they have,” questioned former health minister Dora María Téllez. Respirators are key to caring for the most seriously ill patients. “We are talking about respirators and that is a very serious problem. There are no respirators available, so quarantine must be done drastically. The other thing that the regime has not answered is how much reagent they have, how many tests they have carried out. ”

Thousands of infections are projected

The government has secretly handled everything related to the pandemic. This week a document from the Ministry of Health (Minsa) was leaked, in which experts warn that 32,500 infected and 813 deceased in Nicaragua could be registered in six months.

“Those are the contradictory and inexplicable things, because they have a good technical capacity in preparing the document, but an irresponsible attitude of summoning people to increase the risk,” said Dr. Valdez, who has been a consultant to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and in charge for seven years of epidemiological control in Sub-Saharan Africa. “It is highly probable that the virus is already in Nicaragua. I don’t know what barrier can prevent the virus from being in the country, if it is already circulating in Central America. ”

The Minsa predicts that of the more than more than 30,000 infections, 75% could be mild or moderate and only 25% severe. “If we take as reference the case fatality of 2.5% of the deceased compared to those affected, we could have 813 deaths. The deceased are 80% of the patients that require an intensive care unit, for which reason it is calculated that 1,016 will enter the ICU, ”the protocol warns.

Hospital sources have commented that they have had several suspected cases. The public administration has not suspended any activity. Private institutions, such as the Central American University (UCA), have started prevention, suspending face-to-face classes from March 16 to 21. Supermarkets restricted sales of cleaning products to avoid hoarding and in pharmacies the masks are out of stock.

“This is a government that has become disconnected from society in the face of this pandemic. Pandemics face people, “said the former Health Minister. “The effective measures in other countries have to do with the fact that very severe social quarantines were promptly applied. When you apply quarantine with confirmed cases, it means that you already have 30 on the street, infecting more people, ”added Téllez.

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