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The Origins of Valentino: A Romantic Tale of Love and Martyrdom

There are many hypotheses regarding the origins of Valentino, the saint who gave his name to the feast of lovers and became its protector, but the most probable and most romantic one identifies the protector of lovers in Valentino da Terni, Roman bishop and dead martyr in 273 AD It is said that he was the first religious person to celebrate a wedding between two people who professed different faiths, the pagan legionary Sabinus and the Christian Serapia and that he gave flowers to the lovers.

Because February 14th

Imprisoned under the emperor Aurelian, Saint Valentine died a martyr by decapitation on 14 February 273. The date of the martyrdom and the lovers were liturgically associated when Pope Gelasius, in 496, established the feast which celebrated the Christian concept of union starting from the feeling of love, anticipating by one day the date in which Roman paganism gave way to the Lupercalia (the celebration of purification which fell on February 15th).

Fewer gifts, more romantic dinners

This February 14th, around 6 out of 10 will celebrate Valentine’s Day, for an average budget of 85 euros per person. An increase in value of 14 euros compared to last year, but driving – for almost half of the increase – is inflation. And the increase in prices weighs on the choices of lovers, even at the table: one romantic dinner in five this year will be prepared at home to keep costs down. This is what emerges from a survey of over a thousand consumers conducted by Ipsos per Confessors on the occasion of Valentine’s Day 2024.

Who celebrates and how

It is mainly teenagers and young adults who celebrate: 66% of people aged 34 and under celebrate, compared to 57% of older generations. But it is the older ones who spend the most: the average budget per person is 100 euros over the age of 35, 40% more than that of the youngest. This year too, the romantic dinner is the favorite way to celebrate among Italians, with 73% of those interviewed saying so. A share that even beats that of those who will give a gift, which instead stops at 61%. Only 5%, however, will celebrate while traveling with their partner.

By candlelight

Among those who celebrate with a romantic dinner, the vast majority – 69% – will choose a restaurant or public establishment: 10% will opt for a pizzeria or a low-cost trattoria, while 35% will opt for a medium-level venue, while 15% will experience a superior experience. However, domestic meals are also growing: 22% of those who celebrate with a dinner will get to the stove to prepare a romantic ‘homemade’ dinner, saving money without giving up the party; to these are added another 6% who will entrust their Valentine’s Day to a delivery service and 3% who will instead call a home chef.

The chocolates

Once again, chocolates are confirmed as the most popular romantic gift by Italians, with 37% of indications. Perfumery products follow – chosen by 27% of those who give a gift – then jewelery products and accessories (24%) and flowers (23%). In fifth place, thanks to the push of the winter sales, are fashion products and accessories, chosen by 2 out of 10 lovers. This is followed, among gifts, by holidays and couple activity packages (both at 11%) and cosmetic products or services /wellbeing (10%).

Gifts and inflation

“Valentine’s Day resists, despite the fact that there is an important segment of the population that is struggling to emerge from a long period in which inflation and high costs of living have seriously affected purchasing power and savings”, he comments Giancarlo Banchieri, vice-president of Confesercenti and president of Fiepet, the trade association of public businesses belonging to the confederation. “A resilience that was not to be taken for granted and which constitutes a positive signal for the entire economy. In particular, for the public sector, which experienced a somewhat subdued start to the year, between a slowdown in consumption and an increase in business costs The hope is that this February 14th will mark a moment of recovery.”

2024-02-15 11:14:19
#Valentines #Day #ten #Italians #celebrate #martyr #love

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