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The Origins of the Kingdom of Jordan Believed to be Descendants of the Prophet Muhammad

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Kings Jordan believed to be part of the descendants the Prophet Muhammad. The kingdom is located in the southwest region of Asia and the Arabian Peninsula region.

Most ethnic groups in Jordan are Arabs. Meanwhile, Arabic is the official language of the country.

So, how is this country in southwest Asia called part of the clan of the Prophet Muhammad?

The mystery cannot be separated from the first leader of Jordan, King Al-Hussein I. On March 22, 1946, Hussein I proclaimed himself king of Jordan.

Collect Britannica, Hussein I is a descendant of the Hashimiyah dynasty. Members of the dynasty were of Arab descent, either direct or collateral, from the Prophet Muhammad.

Abdullah I is said to be still in contact with Hasan, the son of the Prophet Muhammad’s daughter, Fatima, and her husband, Ali.

Hasan is the last lineage to hold the disputed caliphate claim. Meanwhile, Hasan’s descendants went on to become emirs of Mecca and into Ottoman rule.

Hussein I was one of Hasan’s descendants. Hasan’s other descendants were the emir of Mecca Husayn ibn Ali, who was the father of Hussein I, and Hussein I’s brother, Faisal.

Despite being the first king of Jordan, Hussein I’s leadership only lasted until 1951. He was assassinated on July 20, 1951 at the Al Aqsa Mosque, Jerusalem.

The killings were carried out by Palestinians who were frustrated by Hussein I’s battle against the Palestinians.

Jordan’s seat of power was then assumed by King Hussein in 1953. He was a member of the Hashimiyah dynasty and died in 1999.

Supposedly, the seat of power was taken by Hussein’s father, Talal, who incidentally was the son of Hussein I. However, Talal was declared mentally ill and unfit to carry out the responsibilities as king in 1952.

Therefore, Hussein was appointed ruler of Jordan on May 2, 1953.

(pun / bac)

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