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The Original Luke Skywalker Planet Found by NASA, Has Two Suns Too!

Planet Luke Skywalker is an amazing new find in the world of astronomy.

This discovery is quite amazing because it has an unusual system.

What impressed many people was the planet similar to where the protagonist in the popular Star Wars film series Luke Skywalker grew up.

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Luke Skywalker’s Planet Discovery with Two Suns

Star Wars fans must know the figure of Luke Skywalker. In the film he grew up on a planet called Tatooine.

The planet where the Star Wars protagonist comes from has two Suns. Luke Skywalker along with his teacher Obi-Wan Kenobi are on the planet to hide from the empire.

Totoni himself is back in the Disney Plus series when Obi-Wan Kenobi has entered the fourth series, which tells the character’s life 10 years, after the events of the previous Star Wars films.

At the time, Kenobi was hiding a lot in Tatooine. This planet with two Suns is full of special deserts.

Who would have thought that the US Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) had managed to find a planet similar to Tatooine in the real world.

NASA then gave the planet similar to the village of the Anakins to Rey Skywalker as Kepler 16-b.

On its official website, NASA says that Kepler 16-b orbits two stars and is in the constellation Cygnus with conditions similar to Tatooine.

“Kepler 16-b has two suns that will set if you stay on the surface,” NASA said.

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Cold Planet Temperature

Despite having two main stars, NASA estimates that Kepler 16-b actually has a cold temperature.

NASA suspects that this unique planet has a large size like Saturn and the majority is filled with gas and the rest is rock.

According to NASA. these two Suns on the real Luke Skywalker planet are cooler than the Sun in our solar system.

Located at 245 Light Years from Earth

Being one of the large and cold planets, NASA estimates that 16-binary Kepler is about 245 light-years from Earth and a radius of 0.754 x Jupiter.

The orbital period of this planet with two suns is 228 days. NASA further said that Kepler 16-b is located in the habitable zone where there is likely to be water in it.

Because it is outside the solar system, Kepler 16-b is included in the type of exoplanet. Exoplanet is a term for planets orbiting outside the Sun.

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The discovery of exoplanets generally uses data that reveals their existence, then experts observe the effects of the planet.

Bill Borucki, principal investigator for Kepler at the Ames Research Center, said that the discovery of the planet Luke Skywalker or Kepler 16-b could broaden the prospects for life in our Milky Way galaxy. (R10/HR-Online)

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