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The Origin of Water on Earth: A New Theory and Research Findings

New Research Reveals Surprising Origin of Water on Earth

RADARTASIK.ID – With 75 percent of our Earth’s surface covered in water, it’s hard to imagine that our land only makes up 25 percent. But have you ever wondered how water originated on our planet? A recent study conducted by a group of researchers has shed new light on this intriguing question.

According to the Big Bang theory, Earth, estimated to be 4.5 billion years old, initially existed in the form of a gas. But how did this gas transform into the substance that now fills our oceans, rivers, and lakes?

Scientists have been investigating the origins of water on Earth for many years, but the research conducted so far has not provided a definitive answer. However, one of the most significant findings suggests that most of the water on our planet comes from comets originating from interstellar space.

This conclusion is supported by the discovery that some of the water on Earth is actually older than the sun itself. This indicates that a large portion of our planet’s water comes from outside the Solar System.

However, a new study challenges this theory. Researchers from the University of Copenhagen analyzed the isotope composition of over 60 different meteorites and planets, establishing genetic links between rocky planets like Earth and Mars and other celestial bodies.

The scenarios created from these results suggest that Earth may have formed more quickly than previously believed. According to this scenario, when the sun was still a young star, a disk around it allowed planets to grow. During this growth, Earth absorbed all the dust in the disk, including ice particles, which eventually became part of the planet.

The researchers believe that these findings will provide crucial data regarding planet formation and the detection of planets with water. They argue that the data would be more consistent if the source of water was a situation that existed since the formation of Earth, rather than comets passing by chance.

However, further research is needed to fully understand the origin of water on our planet. The study opens up new avenues for exploration and invites scientists to delve deeper into this fascinating topic.

As we continue to uncover the mysteries of our planet’s history, the origin of water remains a captivating puzzle. With each new discovery, we come closer to understanding the complex processes that have shaped our world.

1) How do researchers believe water on asteroids originated from the interstellar medium?


The answer, it seems, lies with asteroids. The researchers discovered that asteroids could have brought water molecules to Earth during its early stages of formation. They reached this conclusion by studying ancient meteorites known as carbonaceous chondrites, which contain small amounts of water.

By analyzing the isotopic composition of the water in these meteorites, the researchers were able to determine that the water molecules contained within them were not native to Earth. Instead, they resemble the water found in our oceans, suggesting that these meteorites delivered water to our planet.

This finding challenges the previous belief that Earth’s water came from comets. Comets were considered the primary source of our planet’s water due to their higher water content compared to asteroids. However, the new research suggests that asteroids played a much larger role in delivering water to Earth.

But how did the water on these asteroids come to be? The researchers propose that it may have originated from the interstellar medium, the vast space between stars that contains molecular clouds. These molecular clouds could have acted as nurseries for water molecules, which were then incorporated into asteroids as they formed.

Furthermore, the study suggests that the delivery of water-bearing asteroids may have occurred relatively early in our planet’s history. This is supported by the fact that carbonaceous chondrites are among the oldest known meteorites, dating back to the earliest stages of the solar system.

Understanding the origin of water on Earth is crucial for understanding the development of life on our planet. Water is a fundamental element for life as we know it, and knowing how it arrived here can provide insights into the potential habitability of other planets.

The findings of this study not only offer a new perspective on the origins of water on Earth but also highlight the potential role of asteroids in the formation of habitable planets. As scientists continue to explore the mysteries of our universe, this research paves the way for further investigations into the origins of life-sustaining conditions.

2 thoughts on “The Origin of Water on Earth: A New Theory and Research Findings”

  1. The new theory and research findings on the origin of water on Earth bring fresh insights to an age-old question. Exciting progress is being made to unravel the mystery of our planet’s life-giving resource.

  2. “Fascinating! This new theory and research findings on the origin of water on Earth are sure to reshape our understanding of our planet’s history.”


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