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The Origin of the Planets in Our Solar System | Gulf Newspaper

Dr.. Hamid Mjool Al Nuaimi *

After the birth of the sun from the solar nebula, materials, gases, and distant dust gather in the disk, and also clump together so that these blocks collide with each other, forming larger and larger bodies, and some of them grow to become large enough for their gravity and formation in the form of balls around the sun itself, and to become planets of different sizes and masses: planets Huge gaseous (such as Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune), medium-sized and small rocky (such as Earth, Mars, Venus and Mercury), dwarfs such as Pluto and its group, and a number of moons around each other according to the planet’s mass and size and the asteroid belt composed of fragments of the early solar system, which can never come together together to form a planet.

Other smaller remnants became asteroids, comets, meteorites, small irregular moons, as well as dust and gases. Glory be to God Almighty who created the earth between it in a golden location between planets that are excessively hot and others that are excessively cold, so that the beings live on it, enjoying its bounties and blessings.

The arrangement of the planets and other celestial bodies in our solar system is due to the way in which they were formed. In the proximity to the sun, small rocky planets were formed that can withstand heat, and they are called terrestrial planets. We find that they are all small and have solid rocky surfaces. Unstable planets in the outer regions of the young solar system accumulated and gathered together, due to gravitational forces, to form the giant gas planets such as Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

And from what was mentioned above, God Almighty created the sun so that a family of celestial bodies would be associated with it and with it what would be the solar system. And the moon, we appreciated it until it returned as the arrogance, the sun is not the sun, and the sun is not for them to realize the moon and the night of the night.

The closest planet to the sun is 57.9 million km away, and its rotation period is 88 days (Mercury). As for the farthest, it is 100 times farther than the first, and it needs 248 years to complete its cycle around the sun (Pluto). These planets differ among themselves in their sizes and masses. As its diameters range between 2,500 km and 143,000 km: “Indeed, everything We created has a measure.” Al-Qamar 49.

Terrestrial planets are solid bodies that do not differ much in their density or chemical composition, but they differ in the natural conditions of their surface, such as temperature, gravitational force, and the abundance of water and air in the atmosphere. And we see only some gas clouds on its surface, and some of its interior areas may be very hot, but these areas are surrounded by cold surface layers. As for the dwarf planets, they are Pluto and its group, which are small celestial bodies that are different from other planets.

The large part of these planets have smaller satellites that revolve around them called moons. For example, the Earth has one moon, Jupiter has 92 moons, Saturn has 83 moons, and Pluto has five moons, so that the total number of moons of most planets is 229 moons.

From the analysis of this modern scientific knowledge text, we find the external relationship between the sun and a number of other different celestial bodies swimming in space “and each swims in an orbit”, Yassin 40. It is possible to depict the verse of the sun as a center to which the other verses are connected from the outside by the laws of attraction and movement, in a general or partial; that is, direct or indirect, the concentration in space by a system is itself a common sign for the total content of the galaxy, which is moving as a whole with an astounding speed:

The visible universe: over a billion galaxy clusters and nebulae (gas, dust, and smoke), as well as dark matter and dark energy.

Galactic clusters: about a billion galaxy clusters in the visible universe, and each galaxy cluster contains, on average, about 100 galaxies.

Galaxies: contain between 100 and 150 billion stars with gas and dust between them. Our galaxy (the Milky Way): at a rate of one billion stars (some of which are sun-like stars) with other celestial bodies (nebulae, planets, rocks, gas and dust).

Our solar system: the sun, its planets, moons of the planets, asteroids, comets, rocks, gas, dust and smoke.

Certainly there are galaxies, stars and other celestial bodies that we have not observed.

* Director of the University of Sharjah, President of the Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences

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