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The Oresteia with a Woman’s Heart: Conversation with Italian Writer Giuseppina Norch on Ancient Greek Myths and Interpretations

In the Sunday morning conversation, we meet with an Italian writer and researcher of myths Giuseppina Norch (Norcia). On March 7, there was a meeting with Giusepina Norča at Raina’s and Aspazija’s house, and on March 8 at the villa of KK von Strick, a conversation dedicated to the heroines of ancient Greek myths was held and a play by Giusepina Norča was presented “Orestia with a woman’s heart” by Gunas Zariņas in the reading.

The story of Latviskoja If Meiere. She was also a participant in a conversation about the interpretation of myths in different eras, and a film scholar participated Inga Pērkonea poetess Anna Auzina and theater researcher Kitty Balcare. The event was organized by the Latvian New Theater Institute in cooperation with the Italian Embassy in Riga.

Written in 2022, “The Oresteia with a Woman’s Heart” has so far been staged in Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, while the audience in Riga could experience a dramatized reading of this work.

The annotation says: “On the path marked by Aeschylus, the ancient voice alternates with the voice of Giuseppina Norcia and at the same time resonates with the voice of Pier Paolo Pasolini, who translated and “rewrote” the Oresteia in the 1960s.

“The Oresteia with a Woman’s Heart” follows a precise thread of thought and feeling, reviewing and rewriting the mythic heritage, looking both outside the room and inside, remixing sources of inspiration and asking ever new questions.”

In our conversation we touch upon the rewriting of the myth, archetypes and formulas, Pasolini’s play, the ability or inability to stand on one or the other side of the conflict, the presence of women in the texts of Aeschylus, the relationship between Orestes and Electra, Athena’s dialogue with Metis, the mother living in the body of Zeus, and finally we name the researchers who Giuseppina Norch important and they are: Rita Levi Montalcini (Montalcini), Károj Kerényi (Kerényi), Anna Beltrametti (Beltrametti), Maria Zambrano (Zambrano), Lisa Irigaray (Irigaray), Jacqueline Morineau (Morineau), Krista Wolff (Wolf), Carla Lonzi (Lonzi), and these are just the first that come to mind.

The writer, connoisseur and popularizer of ancient Greek culture Giuseppina Norča plans itineraries, creates dramaturgy and readings, inspired by the myths and places to which she has dedicated her projects and publications.

For more than twenty years, she has been collaborating with the National Institute of Ancient Drama (INDA) in Rome, where she teaches ancient drama. Norča is the author of many books dedicated to the myth.

Thanks to Ieva Baltuža, assistant to the ambassador of the Italian Embassy in Riga, for translating the interview into Latvian.

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2024-03-10 08:16:57
#Italian #writer #myth #researcher #Giuseppina #Norcia #Myths #rewritten

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