Home » today » Business » The order that approves a new financial instrument for agricultural professionals already installed has been published in the DOE

The order that approves a new financial instrument for agricultural professionals already installed has been published in the DOE

Thus, access to loans guaranteed by said instrument is established within the framework of improvement and modernization of agricultural exploitation for the investment or group of eligible investments, according to requirements and guidelines.

The loans will be co-financed by European funds and will be used to support agricultural holdings in Extremadura that meet the requirements established in the order published this Thursday.

Individuals or legal entities, jointly-owned farms, property and hereditary communities, holders of a priority agricultural holding, who are listed as an active farmer or farmer, with holdings whose size exceeds 20 agricultural work units (UTA) and hire at least an equivalent of 10 full-time workers in agricultural activity annually during the commitment period and undertake to carry out a first transformation of their production in Extremadura.


Young farmers, owners of farms, which are installed for the first time in accordance with the definition of article 2 of Regulation (EU) 1305/2013, may also benefit, the Board reported in a press release.

The calculation of the technical and economic viability of the exploitation will be carried out, by the instructor body, through an economic study, which will take into account, in addition to the productive activities, the means of production and the planned investments and requirements of the operations supported by the financial instrument.

With these aids it is a question of reducing costs, improving, reorienting, as well as increasing the quality of production, complying with environmental, hygiene and animal welfare regulations.

The investments subject to the subsidy include the construction, acquisition and improvement of real estate, purchase of machinery, implantation of perennial crops, project costs, working capital expenditures, among others.


The call establishes the minimum amount in loans of 10,000 euros and a maximum of 600,000, according to the conditions set out in the Official Gazette of Extremadura.

Interested persons must submit their request for recognition of the right to the loan through the annex to the order, preferably completing it through the portal of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development, Population and Territory of the Junta de Extremadura with the application ‘Arado’.

Applications will be directed to the General Directorate of Community Agrarian Policy, and it is an open call, they may be submitted from ten business days from its publication.

By making these credits available, the Junta de Extremadura continues to establish new tools that provide liquidity to the agricultural world, in this case with a new instrument aimed at already established agricultural holdings in the region and professionals in the field.

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