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The opposition lost the vote in the Sejm with one vote. “I’m mad”

On Thursday, 433 MPs voted in the Sejm on the motion to reject the bill on the Polish Institute of Family and Demography in the first reading. It was in favor – 204, against – 205, and 24 abstained. Thus, the application for rejection of the project did not receive a majority and the project was referred to the Committee on Family, Senior and Social Policy.

During the first reading in the Sejm on Tuesday, November 30, the opposition indicated that the draft gave the president of the Institute too broad powers. She pointed out that it would be appointed for 7 years and practically irrevocable. The opposition also pointed out that the project assumes the establishment of an institution with enormous powers and no responsibility.

Interestingly, in Thursday’s vote, the opposition could reject the aforementioned bill on the Polish Institute of Family and Demography, but it lost the vote … with one vote, so the bill will be further processed.

Hanna Gill-Piątek, a member of the Polska 2050 movement, Szymon Hołownia, does not hide her disappointment with the vote.

“I am furious. With one vote (204: 205), our application that exploded the Polish Institute of Demography and Family was lost, because the opposition’s turnout was broken,” Gill-Piątek admitted on Twitter.

In turn, the poll analyst, Marcin Palade, drew attention to one more, extremely interesting fact regarding the vote. The opposition lost with one vote, although its motion was supported by two MPs from the PiS club, 10 MPs abstained and 10 more were absent. “Cabaret” – assessed Palade.

The rest of the text below the video.

Act on the Polish Institute of Family and Demography. What is the project about?

The authors of the project on the Polish Institute of Family and Demography emphasize that achieving demographic goals is possible only on the basis of reliable and comprehensive scientific research and multidimensional activities carried out in a continuous and consistent manner. They indicate the need for ongoing monitoring of trends related to the broadly understood demography and the development of appropriate recommendations in order to counteract the occurrence of negative phenomena in this area.

The bill provides for the establishment of a new public institution – in the form of a state legal entity – responding to the above-mentioned challenges, especially in the field of conducting scientific research on demography and developing appropriate recommendations resulting therefrom, at the same time equipped with a high degree of independence from the executive authorities, inherently filled as a result of political decisions .

The President of the Institute will be entitled, inter alia, to participate in relevant proceedings, requests for legislative initiative and initiate relevant changes in local law.

The bill was supported by the Law and Justice club. Dominika Chorosińska from (PiS) said that “in order to support families, it is necessary to effectively identify problems and development barriers to the establishment and successful functioning of families”. She noted that such institutes operate all over the world. Of the Visegrad Group, Poland is the only country that does not have such an institute.

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sources: PAP / Twitter / Onet


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