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the opposition accuses the “cost” of the Jean-Burger room

“What services can justify an additional cost of € 4 million? This legitimate questioning, expressed by the opponent Manon Pellicori, animated the debates of the last municipal council. The additional cost in question escorts the rebirth, in progress, of the Jean-Burger gymnasium. A giant (soon?) On the alert, the final amount of which will amount to € 13.5 million.

Jean-Charles Louis, the finance man of the City, patiently went over the course of this project undertaken in September 2018. At that time, there was talk of an investment of around € 9 million: “This corresponded to a area of ​​4,022 m² and planned facilities for ATGRS, EPS for schoolchildren and a climbing wall. “December of that same year: the designs of the architectural firm selected for the operation give birth to a first increase:” The surface increases to 4,200 m² and the price at € 9.8 million ”, details the elected representative. July 2020: the gymnasium is no longer alone on the (public) market.

“The project was enriched”

The final draft now includes the “refreshment” of the adjoining room, the objective being to color the space with an event note: “The total is then € 11.8 million”, notes Jean- Charles Louis. The latest estimates provide for “an addition of technical services” for an additional € 500,000. The price update between 2018 and 2020 is materialized by an extension of € 230,000 and € 120,000 are provisioned for the work resulting from the studies. Finally, a given now known to all: the soaring prices of raw materials, collateral damage to the health crisis, boost the estimates previously made: “All this therefore brings us to the sum of € 13.5 million. All this leads the opposition above all to question the validity of this expenditure.

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“Faced with a fait accompli”

Sandrine Jean (Renouveau Thionvillois) accuses the “cost”: “For such a project, it seems normal to me to do the study beforehand and not to put people in front of a fait accompli. “The mayor, Pierre Cuny, acknowledges this:” Indeed, there is a real increase in the cost. “Before specifying the new dimension of the site:” Today, in our territory, we do not have a gymnasium to host national or even international competitions. Let us not forget that we were selected as a potential site within the framework of Terres de Jeux 2024. So yes, the project has grown. Our town, the second largest in Moselle, has no room for organizing conferences or other major events. Let’s take the Show upside down: we have to house the exhibitors in a tent. Is this our ambition for Thionville? “

“The price will not move any more”

Ambition ? Brigitte Vaïsse ensures not to be devoid of it: “I have the same ambition as you for Thionville,” she introduced. There was no doubt about the need to rebuild the gymnasium. On the other hand, when we see the difficulties most certainly linked to the Covid crisis in the convention centers of Nancy, Metz, or Luxembourg, I wonder about the use and durability of this type of equipment. “

The mayor’s response: “It will not be a convention center. There is no question of competing with Metz, but rather of giving Thionville the means to achieve its ambitions. We still need to gain regional and even national visibility. »Pierre Cuny has an appetite. But he promises that the City will stop the costs on this file: “The price will not move any more. I oppose an end of inadmissibility to each new request for an increase. ”

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