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the OPH is a beautiful bride

It was deputy Stéphanie Kis, in charge of social affairs, city policy, housing and employment, who, during the last community council, came up with the history of the why of this merger of the Portes de France-Thionville public housing office with the Moselis departmental OPH. “The Elan law, since 1is January 2021, requires that HLM organizations with less than 12,000 social housing units must belong to a group of social housing organizations. The OPH Thionville being a stock of just under 3,000 housing units [2 928 exactement pour un patrimoine évalué à 124 M€, NDLR], we were obliged either to merge with other operators to reach this threshold of 12,000 housing units, or to create a SAC-style system [Société anonyme de coordination] or without [Société d’économie mixte]. We carried out various studies and discussions with other offices of the same size (Sarreguemines, Montigny-lès-Metz), it turned out that our office was a beautiful bride that interested several suitors ”, reports the one who is also an advisor. regional.

“After much reflection and feedback from employees, we came to the choice of merging with Moselis to ultimately achieve a stock of around 15,000 housing units. The idea was also to be able to make this law that was imposed on us an asset. And above all to free up funds to be able to carry out the various projects, in particular those in the area of ​​Prés Saint-Pierre and La Milliaire. “

Tours Saint-Pierre: start of work in January 2022

“I obtained that the first vice-president of Moselis is systematically a representative of the CAPFT and that there are at least three of them on the board of directors”, is proud the president, Pierre Cuny. “This merger will allow a real social housing policy. Thanks to it, the agglomeration becomes almost the organizer of what happens in its territory. But above all, our investment plan for the Saint-Pierre and La Milliaire towers will go to the end. Neighborhoods that will not only be renovated but restructured, ”assured the mayor of Thionville, announcing the date of January 2022 for the start of work.

“We are losing a local tool”

“We understood that we were faced with a fait accompli with this Elan law,” lamented Brigitte Vaïsse. “We could have had the choice of partners, it is not the one that was made. Personally, I regret that we are losing a lever for the community that allowed it to implement a housing policy. I find you very optimistic, ”she adds, addressing Pierre Cuny.

“Moselis’ interest in OPH Thionville is not new. She is indeed a beautiful bride, in good financial health, with an extremely high quality heritage. This is not the case with Moselis, degraded and expensive, ”said the socialist regional councilor. “We lose a local tool and the quality of service provided to tenants” concluded, bitter, Brigitte Vaïsse, who voted against.

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