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The Ongoing Scandals and Corruption in PZPN: The Story of Miroslaw Stasiak

It’s probably the right time to start the counter on our main page. “How many days have passed since the last scandal in PZPN”. And we are afraid that it would be enough for our IT department to limit the number of days from one digit, because the union has been delivering with scandals so often lately that there is no hope that the counter will not reset for ten days. This time it turned out that PZPN took a guest convicted of match-fixing to a match in Moldova.

Miroslaw Stasiak. Does that tell you something? If you’ve been following Polish football since the 1990s, it certainly tells you something. In 2002, Stasiak took over Ceramika Opoczno (later called Stasiak Opoczno, quite an original way of saying the name, certainly no one asked “where did this idea come from?”). The documents collected by the investigators show that Stasiak maintained regular contact with Ryszard Forbrich, the owner of the club was able to burst into the judges’ dressing room and promise them financial benefits, and by a strange coincidence, after such a visit, Stasiak Opoczno received two penalty kicks. He was eventually convicted of 43 acts of corruption. He got a three-year suspension, a fine of PLN 195,000, and the PZPN disqualified him for life, only to later shorten the sentence.


So in a nutshell: we have a classic corrupt backbreaker. Not some hurdle that happened to be in the locker room when the referee was being drafted. He was not a youngster who had his match bonus deducted because he had to pay for the gracious help of his rivals. The guy had his paws dipped in a corrupt swamp that was the cancer of Polish football.

and how Szymon Jadczak reports in the text WP/SportoweFakty – PZPN sees nothing wrong with inviting Stasiak to a plane flying to Moldova for a match. A plane with players, national team staff, union officials, sponsors, friends of the Polish Football Association.

We would be able to understand if – let’s say – Stasiak barged into the box of some sponsor of the team at the National Stadium. You won’t verify 50,000 fans, you won’t check if that peasant sitting on the other side hasn’t once intersected with prosecutors in court. But here we are talking about a limited pool of people that you invite on a plane to a Polish national team qualifying match. You see these people at the airport, you verify the passenger list, you make sure they stay there. This cannot be explained by some naive “I didn’t know, Ms. editors, they ordered me to sign it and that we signed it”.

Besides, there is such a guard in PZPN that all these people perfectly remember the times of Stasiak’s activity. When this guy was organizing a corrupt El Dorado, the vast majority of these people either worked in football or right next to it.


And maybe that’s why no one from PZPN speaks about it in Jadczak’s text. “How did Mirosław Stasiak find himself on a plane flying with Polish footballers to a match of the Polish national team to Moldova? Two weeks ago, Wirtualna Polska asked the president of PZPN, Cezary Kulesza, and the secretary of the association, Łukasz Wachowski. None answered our questions.” – we read.

It is almost unbelievable that the union does not control the good name of this organization so much.

Take a look at these months during Kulesza’s reign. Bodyguard of “Gruch” accused of participating in an organized criminal group. The problem with the draw for the quarter-final of the Polish Cup, because there is not much to draw. Voting on the youth player provision a quarter of an hour before the start of the league. Mess with tickets for the match Poland – Chile. A communication brothel with a clause in Michniewicz’s contract. The escape of football players at the airport after the World Cup. A bizarre recording of Kulesza during the match against Albania and the legendary “today’s match … players are playing …”. Communication chaos on the PZPN-Santos line during sparring with Germany. And the biggest, loudest, most exciting bonus scandal.

By the way, the topic of Stasiak came back during the World Cup, when it turned out that he was the sponsor of the YouTube channel “Ciona po eyes”. This channel was praised by Czesław Michniewicz, then still as a national team selector. Already then it became loud, Michniewicz got in the ears, PZPN got a ricochet. This should be a beacon for the relationship.

The PZPN has a marketing and sponsorship department, as well as a communication and media department. He cooperates with an external sports marketing agency. Advocates, marketers, managers. And no one can say – Listen, but this Stasiak on board our plane … It doesn’t look good.

Because there are really two issues here. First of all – it really doesn’t bother anyone that a guy legally convicted of corruption is close to PZPN? Stasiak actively participated in the practice that was gradually destroying our football, and several years later he can sit a few rows behind the team players and a few seats next to the most important people in the PZPN.

And secondly – if it doesn’t bother anyone anymore (which is disgusting), then no one inside really feels the threat of “someone will notice Stasiak, someone will write about it, it will turn acid again”? After all, you don’t have to be some kind of marketing eagle to say: damn, gentlemen, this is not going to be well received.

After all, it’s enough to have even a bit of self-preservation instinct to say that this is not a good idea. In PZPN, however, the self-preservation instinct is successively replaced by a self-destructive mechanism. We are now waiting for the referee analysis corner led by Wit Żelazko.


2023-07-10 10:35:00
#PZPN #quiet #long #businessman #convicted #corruption #plane #Moldova

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