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The one chosen as Neo before Keanu Reeves in ‘Matrix’ still regrets his decision

Neo, the iconic character played by Keanu Reeves in Matrix (1999) and its aftermath, faced a momentous decision at the beginning of the saga. Morpheus (Laurence Fishburne) gave him a choice between the blue pill (“If you take the blue pill, end of story: you’ll wake up in your bed and believe what you want to believe”) and the red pill (“If you take the red pill, you’ll you’ll stay in wonderland and I’ll show you how far the rabbit hole goes »).

That choice was the trigger for the plot of Matrix, which would later be followed Matrix Reloaded Y Matrix Revolutions, both from 2003, and now Matrix Resurrections, which has just been released. However, there was a decision prior to the one Neo had to make in Matrix that would have changed the saga completely: the one mistakenly taken by the famous actor whom the then Wachowski brothers – now sisters – offered the role of Neo before Keanu Reeves.

That actor was Will Smith. “When they proposed the role of Neo in the Matrix to me they said to me: ‘Man, we were thinking that you imagine that you are in a fight and that, by jumping, you could stop the jump in the middle while people can see you at 360 degrees as if the jump would have stopped, “acknowledged Will Smith in a video posted by the actor on his YouTube channel.

When that approach of the directors of Matrix a Will Smith, the then Wachowski brothers had only directed one film (Lburning azos), something that also put the actor back. The protagonist of the series The prince of Bel Air and of performances as portentous as the one in the film Looking for happiness He admits that he was wrong in turning down the role of Neo. Even more so if we take into account the project that he did end up accepting at that time: the reviled Wild Wild West.-

Will Smith he prefers to see the positive side of that decision. “If I had accepted, Keanu Reeves would not have been there, who was perfect. Nor Laurence Fishburne, who was also, because if I had played Neo, Morpheus would not have been black. So if I had accepted, I would have ruined Matrix. I did them a favor, “said Will Smith, who took his mistake in his usual humor. Proof of this is this video that he shared on his Instagram account in which he showed how his participation in the Matrix would have been.-

If Will Smith had accepted the role of Neo, the character of Morpheus that Laurence Fishburne eventually played would have been for Val Kilmer, as Will Smith himself explains in that video. The truth is that this would not have been the only change in the distribution of Matrix and its sequels if Will Smith had said yes to the Wachowski brothers.

The actresses who could be Trinity

The character of Trinity embodied by Carrie Ann-Moss could have interpreted it Sandra Bullock, who turned down the role because he thought Will Smith was going to be Neo. Sandra Bullock has also regretted making that decision that, in addition, would have allowed her to work with Keanu Reeves again after the success of Speed (1994). What’s more, the Wachowski brothers also thought of Sandra Bullock as Neo, but the actress didn’t see herself in that role either.

The list of actresses who sounded like candidates to give life to Trinity in Matrix it included other well-known names. Among them, those of Angelina Jolie, Marisa Tomei, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Jennifer Lopez, Salma Hayek, Elizabeth Hurley, Uma Thurman, Drew Barrymore, Kate Hudson, Ashley Judd and Lucy Liu.

Besides Val Kilmer, Morpheus may have been Russell Crowe, which rejected the proposal. At least to him, unlike Will Smith with Wild Wild West, glory awaited him with Gladiator.–

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