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The Olympic Committee answers … What if Mortada Mansour does not implement the decision to suspend him?

03:35 PM

Monday 05 October 2020

Books – Ayman Gilberto:

Sherif El-Erian, Secretary General of the Egyptian Olympic Committee, confirmed that Zamalek Club will be subject to penalties if Mortada Mansour, the club’s president, who issued a decision to suspend him, decides not to implement the penalty.

The Egyptian Olympic Committee had issued a decision suspending Murtaza Mansour from practicing any sporting activity for a period of 4 years.

“We will notify Mortada Mansour of his decision, and we will address all federations and bodies with this decision in order to supervise its implementation,” Sherif Al-Erian said in radio statements.

He stressed, “If Mortada Mansour refuses to implement the decision, as well as the board of directors, here, Zamalek, this great entity, will be subject to sanctions that may reach suspension.”

“So far, Zamalek is not a party to the matter, the decisions belong to Mortada Mansour, but if not implemented, Zamalek will definitely become a party,” he concluded.

Murtada Mansour previously stated, “They want Zamalek to fall on Earth and we have an important match in Africa. They decided to suspend me for 4 years and I say not even 4 days, and all of it is by law.”

He added, “He concluded:” This decision is to the nearest garbage bin. The state will not accept its implementation, and I will file a complaint to the head of the investigation committee because of the Olympic decision against me. “

The Egyptian Olympic decision to suspend Mortada Mansour came in view of what the investigation concluded in the complaints submitted by the president of the Al-Ahly club, the former president of Zamalek club, the deputy and members of the board of directors of the Zamalek Club, the Egyptian Football Association, and the head of the main referees committee of the Egyptian Football Association and the Egyptian Federation For handball, and a number of sports personalities, all of whom are affected by the president of the Zamalek club insulting, slandering and insulting them and the sports institutions they represent, using the Zamalek satellite channel, which he removed from its sporting role, as well as social media.

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