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The oldest rocks on Earth… one of them is four billion years old

Ramallah – the world of the homeland
Have you ever thought about how old the earth is? There is a lot of radiological evidence that the age of the earth is around 50 million years. Because the earth’s crust is constantly changing, it is difficult to find evidence of the earliest parts of the earth’s formation. However, there have been many discoveries of the formations. Earth rocks that are close to the history of planet Earth itself, so “The Seventh Day” reviews a group of these impressive rock discoveries that are billions of years old, according to the website (The Seventh Day).

Jack Hills Zircon Stone:

It is the oldest geological material found on the face of the planet, dating back approximately 4.375 billion years. It takes 6 million years to form. The trace elements found in zircon indicate that it came from water-rich granite rocks such as granodiorite or tonalite.

Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt:

In 2001, geologists discovered the oldest known rock on Earth, the Nuvvuagittuq Greenstone Belt, on the coast of Hudson Bay in northern Quebec.”.

Alan Hills:

It was found in Antarctica in 1984 and is believed to come from Mars. The meteorite first came to international attention in 1996, when a team of researchers at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston announced they had spotted possible signs of life on Mars in the meteorite.

Beola of Acasta:

Prior to the discovery of the “Nuvvuagittuq” greenstone belt, Acasta Gneiss was the oldest rock formation found on Earth, the oldest part of which dates back to approximately 4.031 billion years ago, and due to the controversy over the methods used to determine age of the Nuvvuagittuq rocks, many people still consider Acasta gneiss to be the oldest intact rock bark ever found.

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