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The Oldest Oxygen in the Universe, Discovered by Astronomers in the Ancient Galaxy

Oldest Oxygen Illustration in the Universe. Photo: Ist/Net

The oldest oxygen in the universe has been discovered by scientists in a study. The big star group earned the nickname SXDF-NB1006-2.

Then it lies about 13.1 billion light years from Earth. Scientists discovered the oldest known galaxy in 2012.

The Oldest Oxygen Discovery in the Universe

When they first looked, astronomers discovered that the galaxy had ionized hydrogen. In the artist’s sketch it has a purple color.

A sign if there is radiation flowing. In addition, the stars of the galaxy are quite energetic. Capable of removing electrons from atoms in that region of space.

Now, the team is making new observations of specific wavelengths of infrared light from the galaxy. Then show the oxygen atom which has two missing electrons. Occurs in a small area depicted in green.

Citing sciencemag.org, scientists report that all elements in the universe heavier than hydrogen, helium and lithium have been removed by nuclear fusion at the core of stars. Then spread out into space by a supernova explosion.

The discovery shows that it can be observed today. It is already the oldest oxygen-rich galaxy in the universe. There is at least one generation of stars forming, living and dying.

The lack of infrared light from galaxies at various wavelengths suggests there is less dust. It then absorbs and then re-emits stellar radiation.

There may be many galaxies of the same age as the oxygen halo. The teams record and detect, then analyze to help explain how stars and galaxies form. Next learn about the revolution in the universe.

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Primordial Galaxies Have the Farthest Oxygen

Signs of oxygen in one of the first galaxies in the universe have been discovered by astronomers. The galaxy had been born not long after the Cosmic Dark Ages. In a new study found cosmic that existed before the universe had stars.

The discovery of the oldest oxygen in the universe could help solve the mystery of how big the first stars helped clear the murky haze. The researchers conducted an analysis centered on the galaxy SXDF-NB1006-2.

Previous research has shown that about 13.8 billion years ago, after the universe was born in the Big Bang. All existing atoms split into a positively charged nucleus and electrons with a negative charge.

Because the universe is so hot. This soup of ions with an electric charge scatters light and then prevents it from moving freely.

The Dark Ages of the Universe

About 380,000 years after the Big Bang, the universe cooled quite a bit. This is so that the particles recombine into atoms. Ultimately allowing the first light in the cosmos to come from the shining Big Bang.

But after the combined era came the Cosmic Dark Ages. As long as this epoch occurs, there is no other light. Because the stars have not yet formed.

It happened over half a billion years. The gas plume collapsed and formed the first stars and galaxies. Estimates of oxygen detected in the universe are 10 times less in SXDF-NB1006-2 than in the sun.

Intense ultraviolet light ionizes and destroys most of the neutrally charged hydrogen. Then split it to form protons and electrons.

By looking at ancient galaxies, researchers may find clues about the causes of reionization. Most likely, the observed galaxy is a strong light source for reionization.

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Hunting the Ancient Galaxy with Oxygen

The team carried out an analysis of the most distant oxygenated galaxies in the universe. Research focuses on light from oxygen and dust particles.

Then look for heavy elements in the early universe. The team took an approach to explore star-forming activity during this period.

There are clear signs of oxygen from SXDF-NB1006-2. The oxygen is ionized and shows that the galaxy has a number of young giant stars. It is several wars heavier than the sun.

This young star emits strong ultraviolet rays. This galaxy does not appear to have supermassive black holes. Yet it has a massive number of stars. So, it is possible that the massive star has re -ionized the universe.

Observations with higher resolution will make it possible to see the distribution and movement of the oldest oxygen in the universe. Then provide information to understand the nature of the galaxy. (R10/HR Online)

Publisher: Jujang

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