Home » today » News » The old blind dog is hiding in the grass by the side of the road and is suspected of being abandoned. Enthusiastic citizens contact volunteers to rescue him

The old blind dog is hiding in the grass by the side of the road and is suspected of being abandoned. Enthusiastic citizens contact volunteers to rescue him

[Notizie sugli animali]The old blind dog was suspected of being abandoned near the Kwai Chung container terminal. Fortunately, some enthusiastic citizens found him in time and contacted A-Cong Wu’s volunteers to rescue the dog to prevent him from accidentally running off the road and getting into an accident. The dog doesn’t have a chip. Ivy, the founder of A Stick House, said the dog cannot see with both eyes. It will be arranged to go to the vet clinic for an exam tomorrow.

The dog is now renamed “Daxi”. Enthusiastic citizens recently discovered a dog they had never seen before wandering near the Kwai Chung container terminal. The day before yesterday they saw him curled up in the grass which was a few dozen steps from the road I don’t know so I turned to A Stick House for help.

A wooden house found the dog in the grass and found that he could not see anything in his eyes.The volunteer put a hand in front of him.He did not answer at all and appeared to be very old. Volunteers took him to the Agunwu center. Ivy described Daxi as a very friendly person, but he was nervous when he first came to the center, but he gradually stabilized. Afterwards, he will be taken to the veterinary clinic for an examination. , the physical condition of hands and feet is generally good “.

He also admitted that Daxi is a blind dog: if there are no enthusiastic people to help in time, the consequences will be dire. Daxi has no chips and it is not known if he was abandoned there. If you know the origin of the dog, please give information to this newspaper.

The dog was found in the grass near the Kwai Chung container terminal and could not see with both eyes, but was rescued in time by volunteers.

The dog was found in the grass near the Kwai Chung container terminal and could not see with both eyes, but was rescued in time by volunteers.

The dog is currently being looked after by A Stick House and a veterinary visit will be arranged afterwards.

The dog is currently being looked after by A Stick House and a veterinary visit will be arranged afterwards.

The post The old blind dog is hiding in the grass by the side of the road and is suspected of being abandoned. Enthusiastic citizens contact volunteers to rescue him appeared first Hong Kong Animal Mail.

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