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The Office of the President said, “I was captured by a foreigner”… Han Dong-hoon, who is targeting Kim Kun-hee, is frustrated.

“It looks like Han Dong-hoon is preparing to lose in the by-election” Discontent

Officially ‘Loki’… “The scope for movement is very narrow due to the clearance rate.”

Will there be a solution to Ms. Kim’s problem? President Yoon’s ‘decision’ draws attention

President Yoon Seok-yeol and First Lady Kim Kun-hee, who have completed their tour of East Asia, are returning to Korea via Seoul Airport in Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi- on the 11th. Reporter Kim Chang-gil

As the National Assembly investigation and the October 16 by-election loomed, the ‘Kim Kun-hee threat’ became central to the political situation. The Office of the President tried to resolve the situation by announcing that he would continue a private meeting with People’s Power Party Representative Han Dong-hoon, but Representative Han instead increases the level of pressure on the Office President. Inside the Office of the President, along with strong dissatisfaction with Representative Han, self-responsible voices say that the Office of the President has become a ‘single master’ that cannot or to do so.

On the 13th, protests began from the Office of the President, asking, “Is it true that Representative Han really wants to stand alone?” This is in response to Representative Han’s request from the prosecution for ‘publicly comprehensible results’ regarding Mrs Kim’s alleged involvement in the manipulation of Deutsche Motors stock prices, and a reference to the ‘reorganization of office of the President. ‘ to clear Ms Kim’s line. After accepting the request for a private meeting, the president’s office again publicly raised requests that were difficult to accept.

An official from the Office of the President said in a phone call, “It is up to the prosecution to decide whether they should be charged, and personnel positions to the Office of the President are for- Really under the authority of the President Comments (Representative Han) that do not have clear meaning, intent and content? ” Another official said that Representative Han “appears to be preparing for a possible loss in the October 16 by-election.” This means that if the People’s Power Party wins the October 16 by-election, they will take credit, and if they lose, they will try to transfer responsibility to the Office of the President.

However, despite this, it is not easy for the Office of the President to give a sharp response to Representative Han. Another official from the Office of the President said they would not officially respond to Representative Han’s recent comments regarding First Lady Kim, saying, “It is not good for the public to see conflicts between the party and the government comes to the surface. Another official said, “It is natural in a democratic society for different voices to emerge within the party,” and added, “The party and the government are moving forward with one mind and one purpose, which ‘ look at the people only. “It is not a relationship that can be shaken with a few words,” he said.

The Presidential Office’s ‘Rocky Response’ is based on the judgment that the party-government conflict will be a major political burden for President Yoon. President Yoon’s approval rating is rising daily, and the suspicions raised by Myung Tae-gyun’s allegations that Mrs. Kim interfered in the announcement of the general election are not to go down Since Mrs. Kim was in a position where it was impossible to deny that she had maintained contact with Mr. Myeong even after the establishment of the government, the logic of the response of the Office of the President became difficult sitting. If the governing party loses in the October 16 by-election, it will be difficult for the Office of the President to avoid responsibility. A presidential office official said, “It is true that the president’s approval rating is not high, so the room for maneuver (the relationship with the ruling party) has become very narrow.” Another official said, “We were caught in a trap where even if we had an angle with Chief Han, we would be criticized.”

The Office of the President is maintaining its policy of meeting alone with Representative Han after the election. In the end, depending on what solution President Yoon gives to Ms. Kim’s problem in response to Representative Han, who uses ‘public sentiment’ as a shield, the political situation could will be greatly shaken in the future. The intensity of pressure on the Office of the President may vary depending on the results of the October 16 by-election, but voices are booming from within the ruling party that the President’s decision is necessary. Yoon’s seat to promote the vitality of the state administration. Attention is being paid to whether President Yoon will heed the ruling party’s demands to finally eliminate Ms. Kim’s threats, or whether he will take steps such as setting up a second office, appointing an inspector general, apologize directly or express her position, refusing. public activities, and reorganization of the staff of the Office of the President This aims.

Initially, the Office of the President began to manage the situation in a way that did not highlight Ms. Kim’s solo record. Mrs. Kim accompanied President Yoon on her visit to the Czech Republic last month and her visit to Southeast Asia this month, but the Head’s Office did not send -sit out a posthumously written press release from the spokesperson detailing Mrs Kim’s solo travel itinerary. Kim Tae-hyo, Senior Deputy Director of the National Security Office, briefly explained Ms. Kim’s record at a local briefing.

2024-10-13 08:12:00
#Office #President #captured #foreigner.. #Han #Donghoon #targeting #Kim #Kunhee #frustrated

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