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The offer ranges from business administration to marketing

Girls ‘Day and Boys’ Day should provide insights into professional life despite the difficult situation.

Girls ‘Day and Boys’ Day will take place again on Thursday, April 22nd. The number of participants and organizations has risen continuously over the past few years. By 2019, more than 2 million students across Germany had the chance to gain an insight into various professional fields. This should be possible again this year, despite the difficult situation caused by the corona, according to a press release from the Solingen Economic Development Agency and the start-up and technology center. In addition to the city, the municipal utilities and the city clinic in Solingen, local companies such as the Bechtle GmbH IT system house, the BSS Bohnenberg GmbH and the codecentric AG have also registered for the Girls ‘Day and Boys’ Day. The offer ranges from business economist and start-up management to marketing and office communication clerks. Personnel management with different focuses is also part of the offer.

This year’s day of action takes place under the motto “Career Orientation 4.0”. Due to the corona pandemic, career and study orientation is a challenge for many students, according to the message. Therefore, the goal is to be able to make an offer to students even in Corona times to make it easier for them to plan their professional future. It is recommended that companies host the campaign days in 2021 virtually. To support the institutions, the federal coordination offices offer the Girls ‘and Boys’ Day digital event. Part of this event is a public live program with impulses, interviews and discussions. There are representatives of various professional fields, politics and influencers.

Companies can enter their offers online, and interested students can then select them, also online. There is also an overview of all events and information about Girls ‘Day and Boys’ Day. -sd-

www.girls-day.de/radar www.boys-day.de/radar

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