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“The ocean is red with the blood of dolphins and Emmanuel Macron is looking elsewhere”, denounces the League for the Protection of Birds

Allain Bougrain-Dubourg, president of the LPO, regrets a “massacre” of dolphins “which has lasted for more than 30 years” off the French coast.

“The ocean is red with the blood of dolphins and Emmanuel Macron is looking elsewhere”, denounced on franceinfo Allain Bougrain-Dubourg, president of the League for the protection of birds. The LPO organizes Wednesday, February 22 a rally at the Invalides in Paris to denounce “the slaughter” of “thousands of dolphins” on the French Atlantic coasts. Since December 2022, 400 dead dolphins have been found, especially in the Bay of Biscay, but associations estimate that 10,000 cetaceans are victims of fishing each year.

“We are asking to put an end to these unbearable massacres which have lasted for more than 30 years”launches Allain Bougrain-Dubourg, specifically targeting the President of the Republic. “He does not take the necessary measures, I ask him to listen to the scientists, the law, but also the French who force him to end it”he says.

“We can no longer accept the ‘at the same time’! He will soon be offering us a summit on the planet and on the oceans, but for whom will he pass?”

Allain Bougrain-Dubourg

on franceinfo

The president of the LOP regrets a “millefeuille of decisions that are useless”. “Embarking cameras on board boats is just for observing the massacre. Having people on board for checks or acoustic repellents is useless”he lists, before recalling that the Pelagis observatory “just released a report. The executive had it and covered it up. This report says that if we continue like this, there will be no more dolphins in the Bay of Biscay in 40 years, we know very well where are we going”.

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Among the measures requested by the LPO and other associations fighting for animal welfare, there is the “spatio-temporal suspension of fishing, dyears in specified areas, for specified periods. Fishing is prohibited and there will be no more massacres”promises Allain Bougrain-Dubourg.

“Dolphins are dying in unacceptable conditions”he abounds,“a dolphin caught in a net agonizes for 30 minutes before being freed by death”. He adds that if France does not act, it will be sanctioned by the European Commission and “will have to pay very significant damage to Europe”.

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