Home ยป today ยป World ยป The occupiers are reinforcing the Cremina sector at the front, Britain reports

The occupiers are reinforcing the Cremina sector at the front, Britain reports

During the last few days Russiais likely to have strengthened the Kremin sector on the Luhansk Oblast front as the occupiers come under pressure from Ukrainian operations, according to the latest intelligence released by the British Ministry of Defence.

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London says the Kremin has become a relatively vulnerable spot since Ukrainian forces advanced through Liman in October.

Russia has built extensive defense facilities in the Kremin region and is likely to have priority in holding the front there, according to the British ministry.

This territory is logistically important for the Russian front in Donbass. Similarly, Kremin is also an important city in the Luhansk region, British intelligence officials conclude.

Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine began in the early morning of February 24 with rocket launches, air strikes, and the arrival of ground forces. Russia initially cited the “denazification” of Ukraine as one of the goals of the invasion.

The occupiers in Ukraine have suffered heavy casualties and are accused of the deliberate killing of civilians, as well as other war crimes.

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