Home » today » News » The Obstacles New York Restaurant Workers Face Getting Vaccinated Against Coronavirus | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

The Obstacles New York Restaurant Workers Face Getting Vaccinated Against Coronavirus | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

you can fill in the result inline. download the applicationto find the information.hope: the service ofrestaurant interior returnsto start in the city tostarting this Friday. butmany have not been able to findan appointment to get vaccinated. uscomment on the barriers thatthese people face.reporter: this restaurant isprepares for the reopening ofindoor service. considerthat the vaccine is essential foryour workers.restaurant workers innew york are eligible forthe vaccine, themayor last week.this worker has searched 4times the appointment, but it has not beenpossible.most of the formsthey are still in English. nothere is an option for employeesas Gustavo who works withmobile applications.these workers in manycases have no way to getthese vouchers.many times they don’t have apermanent employee, for which it isvery difficult to control what isdoing essential work.reporter: another of theobstacles is that a lot ofthese employees don’t haveconfidence in the vaccine.the vaccination center thatopen tomorrow will allocate 50%of the vaccine forresidents of queens, the restwill be destined foressential workers of therestaurants.I have tried, but atenter my zip code mesays I don’t qualify.

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