A child’s bike, three prams, some stuffed animals, a radio, a coffee maker, an inflatable pool and even rolls of wallpaper….
This is what we could find, Friday July 22 in the morning, in the re-use container installed a few days ago by the household waste union in the Montluçon region, at the Prémilhat waste disposal center.
A long journey
“We’ve been talking about it for years but we’ve never managed to find the way to get there,” imagined President Jean-Pierre Momcilovic, who will finally be able to give a second life to objects that too often tend to end. with bulky items.
A recycling center will see the light of day on the site of the Prémilhat waste disposal center
The list of objects collected is long: multimedia, furniture, toys, tools, household appliances, clothing, leather goods… Only one imperative, the object must be clean and in working order. “We don’t make repairs but we think about it,” said Rémi Borowiak, the director of Sictom.
The project was led by Guy Fabre, the vice-president of the union in charge of the citizen relations commission. It was he who came up with the idea for the container and initiated the partner with three local associations: Au Trésor in Saint-Victor, la Ressourcerie in Domérat and Les Petits Bouchons in Commentry (a fourth, Emaüs, present at the inauguration, could join the movement, Ed).
Not for individuals
All three have signed an agreement with Sictom and will go once a week, not on the same day, to the recycling center to collect the objects that interest them. Individuals will not have the right to use it.
Ultimately, the objective is to equip all recycling centers in the arrondissement of Montluçon with a reuse container.
Fabrice Redon