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the numbers of the epidemic in Italy

The Ministry of Health, today, Tuesday 10 November, announced the data of the coronavirus epidemic in Italy via bulletin.

(Ministry of Health)

The new update of the Ministry of Health on the Coronavirus epidemic in Italy has been released. According to the health table, the cases of contagion from the beginning of the emergency to today are 995.471, that is 35.098 more than yesterday. The currently positive which amount to 590.110 (+16.776), as well as patients in intensive care which turn out to be 2.971, that is 122 more than yesterday. THE healed rise to 363.023 with an increase of 17.734 unit. In the last 24 hours, they registered 580 deaths which bring the overall budget in our country a 42.330.

The Abruzzo Region, we read in the notes, reports that they have also been counted 21 deaths of the past 3 weeks, communicated today by the ASL 201 and the detail of which has been inserted today in the ISS portal. Furthermore, 1 case was subtracted from the total of positives, following checks on personal data. Emilia Romagna has communicated the elimination of 7 cases, as they are deemed non-Covid-19 cases.

Coronavirus, bulletin: the numbers of Covid-19 in Italy on Monday 9 November

Coronavirus bulletin Italy
(Getty Images)

The Ministry of Health yesterday published data on the Coronavirus epidemic. According to the health table, the cases of contagion since the beginning of the emergency in Italy had risen to 960.373. Of these, they turned out to be currently positive 573,334 subjects. The number of patients hospitalized in intensive care which amounted to 2.849. The number of people heal had come to 345.289. Unfortunately, in the last 24 hours they had registered 356 victims which brought the total death toll to 41.750.

The Abruzzo Region, it said in the notes, reported the elimination of 1 case as a duplicate. Even Emilia Romagna subtracted one case from the total of positives, as it was not considered a Covid-19 case.

TO FIND OUT READ HERE -> Bulletin of 9 November: over 960 thousand cases of total contagion in Italy

Coronavirus, bulletin: the numbers of Covid-19 in Italy on Sunday 8 November

New update on Sunday by the Ministry of Health regarding the Covid-19 epidemic in our country. According to the health table, the cases of contagion since the beginning of the emergency had risen to 935.104. The subjects are also increasing currently positive which amounted to 558.636 and patients admitted to intensive care 2.749 in total. The number of healed had come to 335.074. Unfortunately, deaths increased, bringing the overall death toll to 41.394.

The Abruzzo Region, it was read in the notes, communicating that from the total of positive cases one case had been eliminated as a non-Covid patient. For the same reason theEmilia Romagna eliminated A case.

TO FIND OUT READ HERE -> Bulletin of November 8: 331 new deaths in the last 24 hours

Pandemic, the rules for Christmas: the Undersecretary for Health speaks

Sandra Zampa, Undersecretary for Health, stated that the Government should soon issue a new provision concerning new measures regarding the Christmas period. The premise is one: it will not be about spending the holidays in lonely, but to limit contacts as much as possible by allowing celebrations only between closest relatives as parents and children and brothers and sisters.

The Italians will therefore have to renounce the canonical dinners from numerous guests. This is a very special year, and the guard cannot be lowered in any way. The nature of the measure will substantially depend on the trend of the epidemic curve. Especially in the light of the measures taken days ago with the last one DPCM of the Government. According to reports The print, the undersecretary would have declared: “It won’t be a lonely Christmas, families can get together“. Certainly not without rules; La Zampa has, in fact, talked about narrow core. As for the current measures, however, she said she was more than in favor of their remaining in force. The only exception is loosening for some exercises.

The Undersecretary for Health said that for the next month the overall picture will be clearer and that in any case we must not lose focus.

TO FIND OUT READ HERE -> Pandemic, the rules for Christmas: the Undersecretary for Health speaks

Istituto Superiore di Sanità raises the alarm: “High risk, out of control epidemic”

The picture of the epidemic in Italy would be dramatic. L’Rt in almost all regions it has exceeded the critical threshold. In Lombardy the contagion index reached 2.08, followed by Basilicata with 1.99 and the Piedmont with 1.97.

For the ISS, the current situation is therefore worrying. According to the director of the Institute, Professor Gianni Rezza, the picture is constantly worsening. Translated into numbers for every hundred thousand inhabitants there would be more 500 almost. A relationship that almost uniformly involves all the regional realities.

The pressure on National Health Service, with local structures now almost saturated and close to reaching the criticality threshold so feared by the Regions. This emerges from the ISS report updated yesterday and related to the week between October 26 and the1 November. The solution would therefore be only one: “Reduce interactions between people, so as to reduce the burden on the health service“. The appeal launched is clear, avoid all those unnecessary contacts and stay at home as much as possible.

Despite the slight curve drop yesterday, the situation remains dramatic, so much so that the Autonomous Province of Bolzano will move into the red zone as of Wednesday, reaching Lombardy, Piedmont, Calabria and Valle d’Aosta.

TO FIND OUT READ HERE -> Istituto Superiore di Sanità raises the alarm: “High risk, out of control epidemic”

Generalized lockdown, the government is thinking about it | There is the date

Sante the current epidemiological framework, it is not excluded that the Government may opt for a new lockdown. Unfortunately, the situation is not the best, but the Premier Conte would be oriented to evaluate the trend of the curve for some time.

TO FIND OUT READ HERE -> Generalized lockdown, the government is thinking about it | There is the date

Only from November 15 in fact, the first results of the last DPCM will be seen.

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