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The number of unemployed without activity up slightly in February

The name of jobseekers in category A (without activity) recorded an increase of 0.6% in February, or 23,000 registered more, to settle at 3.816 million, according to figures from the Dares released Thursday, March 25.

Including reduced activity (categories B and C), the number of job seekers in France (excluding Mayotte) was stable in February (+2,300) and stood at 6.012 million, according to the statistical service of the Ministry of Job.

These monthly statistics are published without comment on the Dares website, which has decided to return to an analysis of quarterly developments, less volatile, as before the health crisis.

The increase concerns all age groups

In January, the number of unemployed fell by 0.9% (-34,600) in category A and had already remained almost stable in ABC.

According to Dares, this February increase concerns all age groups. Exits for resumption of employment, which had fallen sharply during the second confinement in November and December, began to resume since January.

The latest quarterly results published at the end of January showed in the fourth quarter of 2020 a decrease in the number of unemployed in category A of 2.7% compared to the previous quarter.

For 2020, under the effect of the Covid-19 crisis, the increase in the number of unemployed reached 7.5%, with 265,400 additional registrants in the 4th quarter of 2020 compared to the 4th quarter of 2019.

In addition, in February, according to Acoss, the number of declarations of hiring of more than one month (excluding temporary) decreased by 2.7%, after an increase of 18.8% in January, bringing to + 10.1% change over three months. The change over one year remains negative (-15.6%).

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