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The number of nurses in activity strongly overestimated, according to the Ministry of Health

Instead of the 764,000 nurses announced at the start of 2021, the DREEs revised their number to 637,000, or 17% less.

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Posted and 11/07/2022 20:28

Update on 11/07/2022 20:53

Reading time : 1 min.

France has 127,000 fewer nurses than announced at the start of 2021. This is a “strong review” due to poor consideration of retirements until this date, announces the Ministry of Health. The lists were not up to date. Worse, their “quality has deteriorated markedly over the last ten years”leading “an overestimate of the active workforce”notes the statistics department (Drees) in a press release.

La restriction “results in a sharp downward revision of the total workforce”. Instead of the 764,000 nurses announced on January 1, 2021, there are now 637,000, or 17% less.

The cause of this miscalculation comes from the “Adeli” directory (for list automation). On this file, nurses were required to register until last year, but “terminations of activity turn out to be largely under-reported”. The DREES has therefore chosen to only take into account caregivers who have not reached the legal retirement age, therefore “under 62”.

Since their census now goes through another directory (called RPPS), the figures for this year have not been published, pending “specific statistical adjustment work”.

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