The number of municipalities on high alert due to covid cases once again stood at 50 this Sunday when the degree of warning increased in the municipalities of Santa Comba, Ponteceso, Vilalba, Carballiño and Verín, while it was lowered in Neda, Cangas and Moaña.
Thus, with the update this Sunday of the alert map that the Ministry of Health hangs on its website every day, there are fifty municipalities marked in red (maximum alert level) and another 25 in the second degree of warning, the Orange.
In this way, Carballiño and Verín, two of the municipalities that took the lead in terms of restrictive measures this autumn due to the incidence of the virus, appear in red again. These two municipalities in Orense go on for several days entering and leaving the group of towns marked in red on the Sergas map. In total, there are five municipalities at this level in the province of Orense: Ribadavia, Xinzo de Limia, Carballiño, Verín and the provincial capital itself.
With this Sunday’s update, La Coruña appears as the province with the highest number of municipalities on maximum alert after several days in which it was Pontevedra, which only presents as a novelty the departure of the ‘red’ from Cangas and Moaña.
Thus, as the degree of alert in Ponteceso and Santa Comba rises and degrades in Neda, in La Coruña there are 20 municipalities listed in red on the Sergas warning map: Ferrol, Narón, Fene, Pontedeume, La Coruña, Arteixo , Culleredo, Cambre, Oleiros, Carballo, Malpica, Ponteceso, Cabana, Vimianzo, Santa Comba, Ordes, Santiago, Ames, Teo and Noia.
For its part, in Pontevedra there are 19 municipalities with maximum alert as there is the only novelty regarding the Sunday of the ‘orange’ pass to Cangas and Moaña. The municipalities in Pontevedra in red are Cambados, O Grove, A Guarda, Lalín, Marín, Mos, Nigrán, Poio, Pontevedra, Porriño, Ponteareas, Redondela, Ribadumia, Salvaterra de Miño, Sanxenxo, Soutomaior, Tui, Vigo and Vilagarcía de Arousa.
Finally, in the province of Lugo there are six municipalities in red, with the novelty of Vilalba, which joins Cervo, Lugo, Chantada, Viveiro and Burela.
The entry into the maximum risk level of all these localities implies that more than 21 cases of coronavirus were detected in the last seven days. However, in cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants, the threshold to detect the warning depends on the size: Ferrol –more than 76 cases in a week–, Pontevedra –more than 96–, Santiago –more out of 112–, Lugo –more than 112–, Ourense –more than 120–, A Coruña –more than 276– and Vigo –more than 332–.
In the second level of alert there are 25 Galician municipalities – the same number as on Saturday -, concentrated, in the same way that occurs with the municipalities marked in ‘red’, in the provinces of Pontevedra and La Coruña, which respectively have 9 and 13 locations in orange notice.
Thus, in Pontevedra enter this Saturday in the group of the orange alert La Estrada, Cangas, Moaña, O Rosal and Salceda de Caselas, which join Cuntis, Caldas de Reis, Bueu, Ponte Caldelas, Baiona, Tomiño and A Cañiza.
In La Coruña, the novelties are the departure of Mugardos, Ares, Cerceda, Ponteceso, Santa Comba and Melide, the return of Boqueixón and the entry of Neda and Ribeira, which accompany Valdoviño, Sada, Laxe, Zas, Cee and Porto do Son.
In Lugo there is a single municipality in orange this Sunday, Monforte, after Guntín and Palas de Reis become yellow. In Orense, the municipalities in the second alert degree are also reduced to two: Barbadás and A Rúa.