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The number of foreigners insured in ZUS is growing rapidly

The number of foreigners insured in ZUS at the end of October this year exceeded 1.06 million, which means an increase of 11 thousand. more than a month ago. This is 6 percent. all insured in ZUS.

Foreigners in ZUS

The increase in the number of foreigners insured in the Polish system has been recorded for a long time. In 2021 there were 816,000 foreigners enrolled in the ZUS, in 2020 less than 690,000. The current number is 11 times higher than 10 years ago.

As for health insurance, the number of foreigners at the end of October 2022 exceeded 1.13 million people, which is 14,000 more than the previous year. higher than in September.

Social for Ukrainians

About 72 percent of foreign policyholders are Ukrainians. At the end of September, there were 744.4 thousand insured Ukrainian citizens. while at the end of 2021 this number was 617,000 and at the end of 2020 it was 507,000.

At the same time, ZUS reports that last year a little more than 6.5 million children raised money under the “500 plus” program, currently this number exceeds 7 million.

This is largely due to the granting of social benefits from the pocket of the Polish taxpayer to war refugees from Ukraine. Barbara Socha, Deputy Minister of Family and Social Policies, reported that around 400,000 people receive this benefit. children from Ukraine.

“500 plus” has not solved the demographic problems

Deputy Minister Socha said the program cost the Polish budget more than 40 billion zlotys last year.

Socha also admitted that the flagship social program Law and Justice, implemented since 2016, it did not solve the demographic problems.

– The total decline in the birth rate in Poland is inevitable, as the number of women of childbearing age is rapidly and intensely decreasing in Poland. Thus, fewer women are unlikely to give birth to the same number of children, or even more, Socha said at the Senate Committee on Family, Seniors and Social Policy meeting.

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Some Ukrainians receive subsidies but do not stay in Poland. The Social Security Office stopped the procedure
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How much does Poland spend on refugees from Ukraine? OECD report

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