Home » today » News » The number of emergency cases in Zhejiang has increased by about one million, and the number of emergency departments in Shanghai has doubled, and hospitals at all levels are suffering from blood shortages.

The number of emergency cases in Zhejiang has increased by about one million, and the number of emergency departments in Shanghai has doubled, and hospitals at all levels are suffering from blood shortages.

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China’s new crown epidemic continues to unfold. According to the Central News Agency, Zhejiang province said on Thursday that it had increased by around one million cases, before entering a peak and stable period. However, due to the obvious increase in the inter-regional epidemic people’s mobility during the Spring Festival holiday, the epidemic will spread further.

The Zhejiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention released the “January Health Risk Alert” today, January 3, noting that the number of new coronavirus infections in Zhejiang Province has increased by about one million in a few days and the epidemic is expected to enter a peak plateau in January. However, as the Spring Festival approaches, people’s inter-regional mobility will increase significantly, which will lead to the further spread of the epidemic. According to the 2021 census data, Zhejiang has a permanent population of about 65 million.

However, netizens are curious, after not doing nucleic acid, where does this data of millions of infections per day come from? Does the survey information reflect the real situation? A netizen from Zhejiang said that nearly 80% of the people around him are infected with the disease: “Now greetings do not ask you have eaten, but have you returned to Yang?”.

According to the latest announcement from the Chinese Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, at 24:00 on January 2, according to reports from 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, there have been only 74,188 confirmed cases (including 3,305 severe cases) There is a huge gap in the local government’s epidemic data.

80% of Shanghai emergency visits are infected patients

At the same time, the Ruijin Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine said that at the end of December last year, the average number of emergency room visits per day reached 1,600, double the normal number, and 80 % of them were infected; the average daily percentage of serious and critically ill patients About 10%.

Chen Erzhen, vice president of Ruijin Hospital affiliated with Shanghai Jiaotong University Medical School and member of the Shanghai COVID-19 Treatment Expert Group, made the above remarks in an interview with The Paper, which published this interview on 3.

Chen Erzhen said in an exclusive interview on December 31 last year that the number of emergency services in hospitals has doubled in recent days. In the past, the daily average was about 800, and now it has reached 1,600; fever has dropped from an average of over 600 to more than 100. The average daily number of outpatient visits for new corona diseases is around 400.

He said that among the 1,600 emergency room visits a day, 80% of patients are related to COVID-19, 45% to 50% are vulnerable people over the age of 65, and about half of them have the pneumonia. in the hospital every day Serious and critical patients daily account for about 10%, most of whom are patients with underlying diseases or elderly.

Chen Erzhen pointed out that the current epidemic situation is not the same as it was during the Great Shanghai Defense War. At that time, more than 600,000 infected people in Shanghai were screened through nucleic acid test and many of those isolated in reception hospitals were infected asymptomatic.

He also said that the spread of the epidemic in Shanghai is very large and may have reached 70% of the population; the proportion of asymptomatic infections in this wave needs further statistical analysis.

Blood banks in hospitals of all levels are afraid of blood

In addition, after the outbreak of the epidemic in China, in addition to the stockpiling of commonly used medicines, which has made it difficult to purchase medicines, blood banks in hospitals at all levels are now often running out of blood, resulting in shortages of blood .

According to a report in the China Youth Daily on the 2nd, Liu Jiang, director of the Beijing Red Cross Blood Center, pointed out that Beijing needs 140 tons of blood for clinical treatment every year, which requires about 400,000 blood donations.

He said that due to the cold weather and the increase in the number of people infected with the disease, the originally planned blood donation activities by businesses, institutions and school groups have been canceled, and the city’s hematopoietic system “blood donation vehicles road” has even come to a standstill.

The report pointed out that blood banks in many places are running low, especially in large cities. In mid-to-late December last year, blood transfusion centers around the world issued blood donation proposals asking for blood donations.

On December 22, the concerned person in charge of the Henan Red Cross Blood Center stressed that Zhengzhou needs at least 700-800 people to donate blood every day to meet clinical needs, and the actual number is currently less than 1 /10 of daily needs.

Jiangsu Provincial Blood Center said on December 23 that the number of blood donations and blood donation volume in Jiangsu Provincial Blood Center in December decreased by 57% and 54% respectively compared to the same period last year. .

According to a staff member of the transfusion department of a tertiary hospital in Shanghai, the blood bank has issued blood restriction notices to all hospitals since December 2022, only for emergency relief blood, and outpatients need to mobilize members family to donate blood.

The staff member said the hospital’s blood supply has been on red alert for several consecutive days and is only sufficient for 3 days of routine use.

It is also worth noting that a new Omicron XBB.1.5 mutant strain with enhanced immune escape ability has appeared in China. Some experts worry that it is not excluded that mutant strains such as XBB will bring a new wave of infection spikes; the expert said that China is currently lacking The actual spread of the virus is well monitored, and the progress of the virus cannot be predicted.

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