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The number of divorces rose sharply this autumn: ‘the outlet valves are disappearing’

The increase can be explained on the one hand by catching up because couples did not get to the notary during the lockdown in March and April, but on the other hand the corona measures also cause more tension among couples where the relationship is no longer so good.

In March, the divorce rate fell by 17 percent and in April by nearly 57 percent, because it was difficult to sign deeds during the lockdown. In the months that followed, divorces continued to increase.

Notary Bart van Opstal of Notaris.be sees a double explanation for this. On the one hand there is the catching-up movement after the huge downturn in March and April, on the other hand the lockdown has prompted many people to take the step and to divorce.

“The lockdown has prompted many people to think,” says Van Opstal. “If your relationship is good, such a lockdown can be nice. If your relationship is not going well, and you are obliged to sit with your family on a small surface, then those corona measures can be a catalyst that gets things moving faster. The lockdown therefore has social and societal consequences. ”

The government’s new corona measures could therefore lead to a further increase in divorce rates. “When the number of contacts we are allowed to have is reduced, I am convinced that the chance of divorce will increase. We then have to fall back on our relationship. The outlet for sports, friends or going to a restaurant is gone. If your relationship is good, that’s fine. If that is not the case, then those corona measures are really not beneficial, ”said the civil-law notary.

Notary Bart Van Opstal.Image Benny Proot

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