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The number of cyclists killed increases

Yes road mortality has been almost stable in 2019, in France (+ 0.3%, 3,498 killed), there is one category where it is significantly increasing: that of cyclists. Last year, 187 people on bicycles died, twelve more than in 2018: “An increase that particularly affects 55-64 year olds”, indicates road safety. That’s still 40 more deaths than in 2010, an increase of 27% in just under a decade.

This increase can be explained in particular by a greater practice of cycling. “If the number of users increases, it will become almost impossible to reduce the number of people killed. Recently, in Paris, the number of cyclists has increased by 50% ”, notes Olivier Schneider, president of the FUB (French Federation of bicycle users).

Better education in bicycle use

In the Netherlands, where the use of bicycles is more widespread, the number of cyclists killed last year (206) represented half of the road deaths. Partly because of the importance of electric bikes. “And yet, compared to the number of kilometers traveled by cyclist, it is one of the safest countries”, still observes Olivier Schneider.

However, the Fub does not intend to resign itself. The Federation continues to demand ever more secure cycle paths. But also a better education in the use of the bicycle. For adults, a free session (or one with little charge) is thus offered in approved bicycle schools. “We are also asking that trucks and buses be able to be fitted with detection systems. These large templates have blind spots. If the cyclist is there, the driver has no chance of spotting him “, insists Olivier Schneider.

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